my queen

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Mentally, I was destroyed... Physically, I was hurt and at the time, emotion wasn't even a thing to me. But then I saw her, I had seen her many days before but it was something about that one day that I seen her where there was just too much beauty for me to take in, so I blinked and looked again. A complete angel,I told myself I wasn't going to do this to myself again...I couldn't withstand another heart break,because I was one heart break away from completely dying inside.

  My brain said no but my heart was never one to listen, I couldn't help it....I had to talk to her because I'd be damned if I didn't at least try, but who could blame me? All I wanted was to be happy. Her mood was sour and she always seemed sad, as if a little storm cloud followed her around all day pouring rain down on her mood causing it to be an all time low...if she wasn't sad she was angry with someone, which at first seemed to be a problem.

  After awhile I took her sadness and anger and turned it into determination, I became determined to see that pretty face with a crooked smile become the pretty face with a smile that would piss the stars off.

   With slight Fear in my heart I picked up the phone and luckily I had her number, I sent the text; "hey" she replied with a hi and after that,it was like I died waiting for the next text, I was addicted to our conversations. She was so goofy when we texted each other, I didn't understand how but she made me....happy,an emotion I thought I could no longer feel. She made me more happy than a child who found out he was going to Disney land. It got to the point where I was enjoying this feeling...but only with her, normally happiness ended causing pain for me but this Time no,it was different.. I loved this..I loved her.

  After awhile I told myself, its time I quit playing around..I need to make her mine,this type of thing isn't something you just let sit around until it gets old no,this was something watered until it grew into something beautiful, something better than how it originally started, something unique.

  So we were texting and she told me about her and her ex, all I could think..was he a dumb ass,because there's no way in hell I'd ever give such a creature up, I can't even stay mad at her ass long enough to try to prove a point let alone just up and leave,I would have tried everything in my power to keep her. But its better this way, because she was available, I could make her mine, I could treat her right, I could shower her with unconditional love and affection and never get tired of having her around me.

I asked her out a little bit after she told me about her ex, I honestly thought she was going to say I immediately prepared the little heart that was trying its best to keep beating down there...But to my surprise she said yes!!! I was happy, I honestly didn't know how to act, I was all excited I even fell out of my chair. 😂

So the next day we chilling holding hands walking through the halls,and as soon as our friends see us all we here is "I called it" or "I knew it," meanwhile I'm like "well shit why ain't y'all let me know??"

But yea, I'd do anything for my queen, she is my everything. She is my Eve and I am her Adam, she's my michone and I am her rick(walking dead reference)she's my queen and I'm her king. We're true love at its best,and sorry to say but this love doesn't take no sick days. 😂😂😂shes my soon to be,my life, and my happiness, and if anyone ever fucks with that happiness I'll destroy them plain and simple. I love my queen, and she loves me💪💯and ain't nothing I'd ever change about her perfect self.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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