story #3 part 2

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Ferb cracked the steel protective window open, looking outside at the beginning of the end. "Isn't it beautiful Phineas?" He looked to the other male curiously. The night had fallen and he noted their family members outside banging at the bottom of the tree. His mother had become a walker along with his father. "Even got our family, bro." Ferb threaded his fingers in the other's soft mess of red hair.

"We might have to go out for more supplies, but I think we have enough to get us through HALF of the summer." He observed, looking at their fridge and pantry from the couch. "Shall we check the television before it goes out for good?"

Phineas flinched slightly at his touch, not used to the object of his affection touching him. None of it seemed real: what he'd said, what they'd done, the zombie apocalypse, and especially Ferb. Ferb, the enigma that was Ferb. Ferb had always been on a pedestal before, always out of reach. It seemed like Phineas would wake up the next minute and then none of this would have happened and he'd have to live with that.

If none of this was real, it would be perfectly okay, Phineas thought. Isn't it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all? Phineas could feel himself floating to meet Ferb's caress. It suddenly occurred to Phineas that Ferb had said something.

"-huh? sorry what did you say?"

Phineas shook the top of his bangs to cover his eyes to cover the embarrassment. How could he get so out-of-it after one little touch. It was embarrassing as a man: how could he loose his head over one small caress? It seemed a little too desperate and a little too needy.

Phineas had always longed for this moment, but compared to the past few years, the neediness now seemed much more intensified and much more dark. It scared Phineas that he was capable of thirst for monopoly over another living thing.

"You gonna be okay, Phin?" Ferb replied, shaking his head, "And I asked if you wanted to check the news with me. See how the zombie apocolypse is going. Oh and mom and pop are walkers now." He pointed downstairs to the bottom of their tree lined with thick steel. "It seems to be going pretty well." Ferb turned on the TV and leaned back in his chair. "Come a little closer Phin."

Ferb insisted pulling his brother close to him with a smile. "Get cozy. We've got a hundred and three days left."

"Huh? Yea. Okay," Phineas said all at once, acquiescing to Ferb's tug at his shoulder, "Yea, let's turn on the news assuming that it's still working.... Hey... hey Ferb? Do you think that after the 103 days that they'll can go back to normal? I mean... I... I don't know. This was a good idea yesterday, but we haven't ever done one thing for so long. I'm not sure what to think. Mom and Dad will try to eat us and so will Candace - but when has she not - and now you're here and I don't know anymore. Yesterday I would have been completely okay with doing this whole thing, but it's all different and it's all weird now."

Phineas wasn't sure whether or not he even made sense. All he knew was that yesterday, he'd been content with longing for Ferb from afar and he'd been okay with turning all his close friends into zombies. However, today he wasn't sure if there was a direct correlation between Ferb's confession of love to him and his uneasiness to have turned Danville into zombie-Danville or not. And if there was, then what was it?

What made him change his mind about the zombie apocalypse? Was it because he finally had something to care about and he didn't want to lose Ferb after he just found out that Ferb loved him as well? Was it because Ferb's love reminded Phineas of mom and dad's love, making him feel guilty for turning them rabid?

"There is this wonderful thing called starvation," he pointed out, "I'm not completely sure if this turned them into zombies or infected. They both display very common tell-tale signs; however there are a few key differences." Ferb stated, watching the television in complete awe.

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