story #4

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It was another of those long, boring summer days. The temperature was through the roof, but Ferb had hacked into the irrigation system and the water sprinklers that were once used to water the grass of that 5x5 backyard, were now pointed at us, cooling down our temperature.
For the first time we had nothing to do... There was only one week left until school started, and we both knew during school time, there was no way of doing anything. During summer brake we had constructed everything: a water park, a roller-coaster, a time-machine, a rocket, a cloner-machine,a fort, a circus, we even made it snow, for God's sake!!! But now there was nothing left to do, Ferb's blue print's shelf was empty and with it my inspiration. Not that my inspiration was needed! Although it didn't look like it, Ferb was the master and brain of all our projects. He was the one who calculated everything, the one who planned everything and, of course, the one who looked into the engineering part. I, on the other hand, was only the builder, the hammer and nails, but I didn't mind, I would do anything for my brother, I just regret people paying more attention to me or thinking i'm the smart one when Ferb is the bright one here. He should talk more, he should be the center of attentions, he should be the everything... But of course, I couldn't tell him that, I could never tell him that, how i truly felt, how I admired him... How I lov...
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Perry, our platypus, dragging his morbid greenish body, making his way out through the wet grass. The platypus made one last growl and disappeared into the little wooden door, we had built on the fence a couple of months earlier.
"Were is he going anyways?" I was surprised with my brother's smooth voice. I loved the way he trusted me, and talked to me like he didn't with anyone else... Still, he almost never talked, but when he did, it was awesome, even when it was only to say senseless crap.
"I dont know..." I replied briefly, continuing our conversation.
My eyes shifted quickly to my brother's thin figure. Ferb was sitting next to me, under the only tree that provided shadow. One of his legs was tucked to his chest and the other lied on the moist floor, almost touching one of the nearest sprinklers with his bare foot. His tanned arms were folded on his knee, on a almost reluctant pose, hiding his, now, semitransparent shirt, that due to the water, showed some of his abs and torso. A mad and senseless impulse made me look away blushing. I suddenly had the stupid urge to take my mind off Ferb... Ferb...
I was about to ask the same old question to distract my self, the same old stupid question everybody loved, when Ferb interrupted me with his words.
"Yes?..." I replied.
"Lets just... Not do anything today..." Ferb's shoulder touched mine, as he slipped his fingers through his thick green hair, which hung wet and messy on his face, giving him a mysterious look.
"Okay..." I didn't need to give him an answer, but my auto-mode did it for me. We stayed like that for a while, wondering and guessing each other thoughts, in the silence of that empty house, only the water sprinklers' constant sound and a near by cricket filled the air. Mom and dad were out shopping, they weren't going to come back, at least until dinner time. And Cadence... Well who knows? Probably hanging out with Jeremy, it had to be something really good in order to not be there spying on us...
The mood was dead, yes i loved just being there with my brother, but... Suddenly an adrenaline rush got me on my feet and made me run towards the hose. I turned it on and pointed it at Ferb. The water hit my brother's face and muffled his voice.
"What the fu...?!" He managed to shout almost drowning. I turned it off and stared at my brother's angry and red face. The next moment flashed like a lightning: Ferb jumped off his sit and ran furious towards me, glomping me in the process. His weight nailed me to the floor and his hands held my wrists above my head like handcuffs, making it impossible for me to move. My heart rate increased and so as my breath. I knew this was not a big deal, I knew nothing of this mattered, but i could only feel my cheeks growing hotter as Ferb's waist pressed against mine. Ferb adjusted my hands in a way he could grab both of my wrists with only one hand. He smirked and with the hand he had left he took a grip of the hose and sprayed the cold water on my face. The water's pressure stang on my face causing me to shut my eyes and scream for the help I knew it wouldn't come. I felt my shirt gaining weight on my torso and my ginger hair stucking to my face.
Ferb finally stopped, putting an end to his vengance with his vicious smile, even so, his body didnt move an inch, and I didn't mind...
"Are you happy?!" I screamed trying to shut my thoughts.
"Now get off me!!!" Ferb limited his self to stay put, in the same position, staring at me with an indecipherable expression.
"Ferb?" I muttered.
I moved my body struggling to get out, but it was useless. Ferb was stronger and he had me trapped. Our wet pants rubbed at each other as I tried to escape, making a funny noise.
"Ferb?" I repeated saturated with the sound of my rushed heart. Still, my brothers body didn't move. Only after what it seemed ages, Ferb, finally, decided to budge, but for my surprise he didn't let me go. In fact, he clenched his fist tighter sround my wrists and bent his body forward, reducing the already small space between us.
"Ferb?" My voice had an alert tone I couldn't recognize.
My brother's face was too close to mine, his green locks dripped water onto my, suddenly, extra-red cheeks. "Focus Phineas, Focus!" I told my self in thoughts, but before I could show my worries again, Ferb glued his lips to mine, in a very tender kiss.
I was in shock, my mind was spinning around in thousand thoughts, a fresh soft kiss now melted on my lips and my brother was the one to blame. I couldn't move, my limbs just wouldn't obey my commands, frozen in shock.
Yes this wan one of my deepest fantasies, I secretly wanted this, it was my dream, but now that it happened i couldn't do anything.
"Fe..rb?" I whispered against his lips finally managing to fight his weight. Ferb woke up to reality and straitened up quickly, looking away in order to hide the redness on his face, or so I wanted it to be...
"I'm sorry..." He muttered in regret, letting go off my wrists. I got up as much as i could , supporting my weight on my elbows and massaging my sore wrists.
"Don'" I whispered looking down. After that my memory becomes all blurry and confusing, thanks to the adrenaline rush that took over my whole body, leaving all sanity and rationality behind. I turned Ferb's face to me, and told him.
"You're my brother...You never have to be sorry..." Before my brain could stop or question my actions with his deep rational thoughts, I reduced the already small space between our lips and kissed him again. Ferb tasted tasted good, a mix of familiar with exotic, a different scent that danced in my mouth and made me crave for more. The kiss intensified, our wet lips slipped on each other, chaotic and wild as Ferbs tongue thrusted roughly on mine.
"You...shouldn't..have..said..that..." He said between kisses while he pushed my body against the moist grass again. My heart felt like jumping off my chest as Ferb slipped his hand down my wet shirt tickling my abs. Before i knew it I was topless, panting for air, staring at ny brother's sexy smirk... His head moved forward, towards my neck he kissed it then nipped it gently, while his hands entertained their selves by unbuttoning my pants. His tongue slipped out and licked my neck, then he started lowering and left a trail all the way to my navel, where he stopped and kissed it again. A soft moan escaped from my mouth, I didn't mean to, but it just felt do good. In response I felt Ferb's lips smiling against my skin. My eyes were shut as I gasped for air, moaning now and then, with my head spinning around and my world crumbling down. I couldn't take my mind off what was happening, off what was about to happen...
I felt my shorts slipping off my feet, slowly showing my boner hiding under my colorful boxers. Ferb stopped and smirked at me.
"Already?" My face turned even more red, if such thing was possible...
Making use of the quick pause, my brother took off his shirt and got back kissing my navel. He slid his hand into my boxers and pulled them down.
"" I was hushed by a moan: Ferb had his fingers on the tip of my dick and it was playing it around like a joystick, amused by how easily I let my self go.
"Ferb...Ahhh!..." I moaned again, gasping for air at the same time. His fingers took a grip of it and slowly started sliding up and down, up and down...
"Ahhh..." Ferb smiled and increased his speed, taking a full grip of it and making me groan louder.
"Fer...b... I'" I felt almost at the climax, about to cum, but Ferb didn't seem to care, he actually wanted me to cum. He continued and bent over so he could silent me with another french kiss.
"Ahh!..." I moaned against his lips, an then it happened. A moaned loudly and a thick whitish liquid came off my dick,staining Ferb's abs.
"Sorry..." I didn't remember anything else to say. Ferb smiled, took some of the cum and licked it.
"No pro..." He then returned to kiss me and spread my legs wide open.
My heart skipped a beat as Ferb licked his index finger. 'What was happening?' I thought to my self. Once he was happy with how lubricated his index was, my brother smiled and slid it up my virgin hole.
"Ahh!" I moaned more in pain than in pleasure as tears started to form in my eyes. I didn't wanted him to stop, I wanted to go through with this, but Ferb wasn't a mind reader and he didn't want to cause me any pain. Carefully and thoughtfully he stopped.
"Am I hurting you?" He asked with his confused face on, one of the many faces I loved on him. I got up and hugged him tightly.
"Please don't... Please...don't stop..." I whispered to his ear hiding the tears that insisted to roll down my face. I felt Ferb's face muscles contract in a shy smile, then a second finger being inserted on my anus...
"Ahh!..." I clenched my hand around Ferb's back, blushing and crying, getting used to it, but even though I was happy... When my brother was satisfied, he stopped and lied me down gently, with a kiss. He paused to take off his pants and then he pentrade me softly for the first time with his erection.
"Ahhh!..." The moan did not come from my mouth this time.
I'm not going to lie, it hurt, but the pleasure overcame the pain, causing me the best feeling in the planet. Ferb supported him self with both his arms, dripping water and sweat onto my blushed face as his waist started to move more vigorously back and forth, thrusting deeper with each move...I moaned again as I realized I was hard again. I shot my eyes and bit my lower lip, letting Ferb fuck me repeatedly, making my world explode in pleasure.
"" Ferb called between penetrations. I couldn't answer so i just nodded and groaned louder.
"Ahhh...." I felt his dick inside me.
"Ahhh... I... I....Ahhh!..." Ferb screamed as I felt the cum dissolving inside me.
"I...I...Love you..."

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