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Superstar: Hello

Read 1:01 A.M

Awkward Dork: messaging me at one in the morning? Could I be the booty call of the week? 😱

Read 1:05 A.M

Superstar: um.. you don't really believe everything you hear about me do you?

Read 1:07 A.M

Awkward Dork: No, I was joking and even if I did who cares? It's your life

Read 1:09 A.M

Superstar: Okay because I didn't hook up with any of the girls I hung out with, maybe just one or two but everyone else is just my friend :\

Read 1:10 A.M

Awkward Dork: you don't have to explain yourself especially to me

Read 1:11 A.M

Superstar: but you're my friend

Read 1:12 A.M

Awkward Dork: Justin Bieber is my friend? Omb!!! I need to tell everyone at school!😱

Read 1:14 A.M

Awkward Dork: just kidding. But likewise, superstar

Read 1:14 A.M

Superstar: how old are you?

Read 1:16 A.M

Awkward Dork: I'm eighteen and a senior in high school

Read 1:18 A.M

Superstar: okay good because if you were underage this would be really awkward

Read 1:19 A.M

Awkward Dork: things are already awkward

Read 1:21 A.M

Superstar: I want to see what you look like

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