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"Hello!" Justin waved as he stood beside his car with his dogs by his side. Jason's parents literally almost lost their balance at the sight of the celebrity, "Justin! It's nice of you to join us!" Jason's mother, Adriana smiled. "It's good to be here!" Justin smiled and opened the trunk of his car to pull out his suitcases and a bouquet of sunflowers, "is my partner around?" Justin smiled "oh yes my son is in his room sleeping.. it is eleven in the morning, he usually sleeps until twelve on weekends and today since it is break" Adriana smiled.

"Ah that's okay" Justin smiled as he stepped into the house "I'll show you your room" Adriana said and Justin followed her up the steps. Adriana opened the door to reveal an empty bedroom, "here you are" she smiled "I'm going to be with my husband in the kitchen helping him cook for tomorrow" she informed and Justin only nodded as she left the room.

Justin held the flowers in his hand as he walked down the dark halls, he opened the door and just to his luck he had found Jason's room. Justin's dogs ran inside and began jumping on the boys bed as he slept peacefully, "Jason" Justin smiled as the boy groaned "fuck off mom" he groaned as Justin chuckled and soon Jason's eyes opened to reveal his boyfriend.

"I got you something" Justin smiled as he held the flowers in his hands and Jason's eyes widened as he jumped out of bed. "Why are you in my room? I'm not dressed!" Jason blushed in embarrassment as he hid between his sheets "I wanted to surprise you cutie" Justin smiled. Jason stood up and Justin couldn't help but glance at the scars on his wrists, "come here and give me a kiss" Justin said as Jason blushed and pecked Justin's lips.

"Morning breath" Jason said and grabbed a towel, "I'm going to take a quick shower then we can talk" Jason said shyly as he made his way into the bathroom. Justin only smiled as he sat on the bed, Esther lied down on his lap as the man looked around to see a couple photos on the wall. Mostly of Jason with his parents and with his friend Fiona but other than her he didn't see any other photos of him with anyone else, Justin smiled and stood up to change into something much more comfortable.

Esther and Phill followed him as he shut the door to his temporary room and changed into a pair of sweat pants and a lose T-shirt, the man looked around the empty room. "It's really plain in here" Justin sighed to himself and opened the door to go back to Jason's room.

Justin's eyes widened at the sight of Jason dropping his towel to reveal his bottom half, Justin cleared his throat and Jason's eyes widened as he grabbed the towel and covered himself "Justin! Haven't you heard of knocking?!" Jason squeaked "sorry I didn't expect to find you in this position" Justin laughed awkwardly and Phill sat on the bed and as he sighed. "Can you turn around please?" Jason said as Justin nodded and did as told.

"I have to help my mother cook for tomorrow, our whole family is coming over.. sorry I know you didn't come here to watch me cook all day" Jason said as Justin shrugged "no problem I can help" he smiled and Jason walked toward Justin "are you sure?" he said as Justin nodded and grabbed Jason's waist "yes now can you please kiss me? I've been waiting days!" Justin sighed and Jason smiled as he nodded and leaned into Justin's lips.

Jason smiled into Justin's lips and wrapped his arms around his neck as Justin smiled softly, "okay I have to help my mom now" Jason smiled and Justin groaned "wait no, I want to kiss you more" he sighed as Jason smiled "later I promise" he said as Justin nodded with a pout.

"Hello Adriana! I hope it's okay that I help" Justin smiled as the woman nodded "yes of course!" she said as Jason grabbed a pot "how about you help Jason make the Mac & Cheese?" "Okay" Justin said as he walked toward Jason. "Looks like I'm with you baby" Justin said happily as his boyfriend only nodded.

"Okay well we need a stick of butter" Jason said as Justin opened the refrigerator to grab the small packet of butter. "Okay first I boil some water" Jason read as he grabbed a pot and Justin only followed behind him as he smiled, "you like cooking?" he said as Jason blushed "only when I'm not told to do so" he shrugged as Justin chuckled.


"I'm exhausted" Jason sighed as he sat on his bed, Justin lied down next to him as he grinned "I had fun" he said as Jason raised a brow "don't lie," "I'm not! I really had a good time.. I felt normal" Justin admitted as Jason smiled "I like that your parents try their best to treat me like a normal human being even though when they first saw me I could tell they were star struck but eventually they were able to calm themselves and when you met me you didn't even scream or anything you just introduced me to your friend Fiona like any other human would" Justin said as Jason only smiled "and I really appreciate that" Justin said as he kissed Jason's cheek.

Jason sat up and hovered over Justin, kissing him as Justin only smiled and kissed back softly. Justin rubbed his thumbs over each one of Jason's scars softly "you're so beautiful" he said as Jason smiled, "Justin" "yes?"

"You're the best I've ever had."

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