New World Old Friends Saga

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It has been three years after Xeno sacrificed himself to stop Goku who was controlled by Babidi, the Z fighters have found 4 of the 7 dragon balls to bring back there fallen friends but a debate is still going around if the Z fighters should revive Xeno or not.

"Well we found 4 of them we just need to find the 2 star the 5 star and 7 star dragon balls then we can bring back Goku, Krillen and Tien." Yamtcha says, "Wait what about Xeno?" Gohan asks, "We dont know if we should bring him back Gohan." Says Trunks, "But-but why?" Gohan asks, "Well we don't know if he deserves it, i mean he did kill Goku." Piccolo says. ChiChi walks in with a tray of tea, "Here, i got tea." She puts the tray down on the table and everyone takes a cup and drinks it, "ChuChi, what kind of tea is this?" Yamtcha asks, "Well its the tea Xeno carrys around with him, he says it calms his nerves." ChiChi says looking at the cup, "But how did you find more? Xeno said he had the last 2 bags with him." Piccolo says, "Well i kinda found some at Bulmas house and asked if i could get some." Just then Vegeta walks in covered in bandages, "You should just drink the tea you fools." Every one looks at Vegeta as he walks in akd sits on the coatch with Bulma walking in behind him, "Mr Vegeta are you oky?" Gohan askes now looking like teen, "Yes i am fine kid. Dont worry about me." Vegeta says tilting his head back, "Well dad looks like Xeno beat you again huh?" Trunks says, "Dont get smart with me boy! Yes, i geus he did beat me, again." Vegeta says looking down, "Wait what do you mean again?" Piccolo asked, "Well back on Trigon 4 we faught for 4 days straight." Vegeta says, "But Xeno was just 11 back then, how did he mamage to fight you for so long?" Piccolo askes, "Well he never stayed down, i hit him with everything i had and still he wouldent stay down, i beat him up so badly no normal man would get up, but he did." Vegeta says, "Are you confessing he actualy beat you Vegeta, are you accepting him as a siayen?" ChiChi askes, "I didnt say i would accept him woman! I am saying he might be right thats all." Vegeta says, "What was he right about?" Gohan askes, "We are basicly the same, us true saiyens and his half-breed kind." Veheta says, "Well if he knew what was going on i wonder what he would be thinking? We cant decide if we want to bring him back to life or just leave him dead." Piccolo says looking up. In Otherworld Xeno wakes up on his back looking up at a cloud, "That-that wasnt there before." Xeno says sitting up, "Oohhh i dont remember what i did but my whole body hurts." Xeno says rubing his back as his half cut off tail sways past his hip, "What happend to my tail?" Xeno askes, "Well thats what you have to do to get out of great ape state so i wouldent bother." A voice says in the distance, "But why is it only cut off half way?" "I am not the right person to ask Xeno." The person whos voice it is walkes closer, Xeno stands up and watches the person walk towards him, "Well thats one thing the other thing is where is your halo?" The voice is Goku who apeared infront of Xeno, "Goku? But-but where are we? And whats that thing ontop of your head?" Xeno askes, "Well i think the halo should tell you where we are." Goku says, "We-we are dead?" Xeno looks down at his outfit torn apart by his last attack, "Why are my clothes still messed up and yours isnt? And why dont i have a hola? Where are we?" Xeno says, "Calm down calm down, we are in Otherworld the crossroad of life and death, here we are judged to go to heaven or hell." Goku says, "Otherworld?" Xeno askes, "Come on we better go see king Yemma." Goku walks away from Xeno and he follows. "If-if we are realy dead, what happend to us? I dont remember a thing." "Well thats just it, when you get here you forget what happend when you died thats why we have to go to king Yemma." A palace is seen in the distance, "Is that his place?" "Yep." Goku walks in first, as Xeno follows Goku he hears a loud voice like a giant, "Well well isnt it Goku." King Yemma reatches out his hand and shakes Gokus hand, "Its good to see you my boy." "Its good to see you too King Yemma." Goku says, "Well lets just cut to the chase then shall we?" Yemma opens a black book, "Well Goku you where mind controled and killed by a friend, seeing you where mind controled and not realy did the bad deed you can choose where you want to go: King Kais place or the Kai realm." "I will go to King Kais place, we have a game of checkers to finish." Goku says with a smile, "Well go ahead then." King Yemma points to door, Xeno walks up to King Yemma, "Um hello." Xeno starts, "Hmm? Well i havent seen your face here before. Whats your name?" King Yemma askes, "Um Xeno sir." "Xeno, Xeno ah yes here you are well seems like you where the one that killed Goku, well then i cant let you go into heaven or hell." King Yemma says, "Wait what? I-i killed Goku?" Xeno askes, "Well yes, you blew him and yourself up with one massive attack, but as seen as you where only helping him i will let you of just this once." King Yemma says, "Now you can choose to go to one of the Kai worlds, King Kais place or the realm of the Kais." "But arent we supposed to go to heaven or hell?" Xeno askes, "It is your choise kid, if you want to go to heaven you can but if you go to heaven you can not be revived by the dragonballs." King Yemma says, "Well, i need awnsers so i want to go to the Kais." Xeno says, "Well before we do that we need to make you look the part, the Kais are very important after all." King Yemma says snaping his fingers and Xenos clothes look brand new, "Hey thanks, but what about my halo?" Xeno askes, "Well i dont know, i where supposed to get one but you didnt, maybe King Kai can help you with that but first go see the Kais." A door to King Yemmas right opens and Xeno steps inside. When Xeno comes out he is greated with a open grassy plain with a waterfall and a purple sky, "Wow so this is the world of the Kais." Xeno says walking around, Xeno walks to the waterfall and looks at the water, "What is your busness here?" Xeno turns and faces a young looking Kai with white hair, "Um my name is Xeno, i am here seeking awnsers great Kai." Xeno says, "Great Kai? No no no you must be mistaken i am Supreme Kai the youngest of the Kais, so Xeno whats your purpose here?" Supreme Kai askes, "Well..." Supreme Kai sees Xenos half cut off saiyen tail, "Wait, did you say your name is Xeno?" Supreme Kai askes, "Yes i did why?" Xeno askes, Supreme Kai looks at Xeno, "Elder, its the half-breed saiyen that killed Goku." Supreme Kai says, "Oh is it rey him?" A voice says coming from behind the tree, "Wait, you know of me?" Xeno says, a old Kai walkes around the tree towards Xeno, "Yes we know of you, we know your history, we know your past." Elder Kai says standing next to Supreme Kai. "From here, from our world we can see the entire universe." Supreme Kai says, "So you do know me. But i want to know why i am so different from other saiyens, i know i am half alien but i still dont know who i am." Xeno says, "Well your right about about being half saiyen, but not half alien." Elder Kai says, "What do you mean i am right about being half saiyen but not half alien?" Xeno askes, "To give birth to full saiyen the mother and the child need to be in healthy condition, it the mother was sick and the child was healthy sh would give birth to a half saiyen amd vise versa." Elder Kai says, "When your mother gave birth to you, she was busy dieing so when she gave birth to you you came out half saiyen and she died after she gave birth to you." "So, the woman who raised me, wasnt my mother." Xeno says looking down, "No she was your mothers sister, your aunt, she raised you as her own." Elder Kai says, "But the question still stands: What is your other half?" Supreme Kai says, "Maybe Kobito can awnser that." Elder Kai says, "Fine, might as well tell him then." Kobito says jumping out of the tree, "Wait, you know who my father is?" Xeno askes, "Well how do i put this? You dont have father, its more like the universe wanted your mother to have a child but we can say what your other half is." Kobito says, "What is it? Whats my other half?" Xeno askes, "Your other half is, Kai." Kobito says, Xeno looks at him in shock and sits on the ground. "Well he knows now so we better tell about his siblings, well sibling." Elder Kai says, "But Elder we dont know what her reaction will be." Supreme Kai says, "I-i am a Kai? And-and i got a sister?" Xeno askes, "He is in shock it might be to early for him to meet her, besides she is a little busy at the moment." Kobito says, "Well we better get started on his training then." Elder Kai says walking to a rock, "Training?" Xeno askes, "Well yes, you only unlocked 50% of your potential my boy, your unique aura, its a sighn that you unlocked your mixed saiyen and kai blood power, now you need to unlock the last 50% by training with you kin." Elder Kai says sitting crossed leg on the rock, "So what am i going to do in my training Elder?" Xeno askes, "Well your a Kai and you need to know how to use your new found power as a Kai." Elder Kai says smiling, "Supreme Kai here will be the one you will train with, he should be a chalange for you." Elder Kai says, "But before we start your training i want to see what your capeble of." Supreme Kai says, "Wait you mean we have to fight?" Xeno askes, "Yes." Supreme Kai sayas standing ready to fight, "Well oky then, but you guys shouldent hold back then oky." Xeno says standing ready, "Lets go! Haaaa!" Supreme Kai charges in at Xeno, Xeno blocks the attack and hail Supreme Kai with punches, Supreme Kai does the same but with one hand blocking and attacking. "Hmmff. Show off." Elder Kai says mocking Supreme Kai, "Shut up!" Supreme Kai kicks Xeno into the air, "Star Dust Hurricane!" Supreme Kai gets covered in a silver glitter like aura and with super sonic speed he flies towards Xeno and flies throught him, "Aaggghhh!" Xeno falls to the ground as Supreme Kai hovers in the air, "Your good Supreme Kai, but you forgot. I am a saiyen!" Xeno gives out a burst of green energy covering his body in green and purple aura, "I am not letting someone like you beat me!" Xeno yels, Supreme Kai watches as Xeno charges his energy at a very fast rate, "Well, a Kai is a Kai, so why not show me that you have some of that Kai blood in you then." Supreme Kai says mocking Xeno, "With pleseur, you also forgot one thing about my masters training." Xeno says, "And what would that be?" Supreme Kai askes, Xeno puts his hands on his one hip, "I can copy any move i want! Star Dust Vanisher!" Xeno shoots a purple and pink glittery energy wave at Supreme Kai, "Aaahhhh!" Supreme Kai yels as the wave hits him full force knocking him further up into the air, "Now for mine." Xeno says holding his hands infront of him, "Big Bang Kamehameha!" A large wave shoots out of Xeno hands and heads to Supreme Kai, "His power level is amazing!" Kobito says, the wave hits Supreme Kai and explodes on impact, "Bhhgg! Why you!" Supreme Kai says getting up out of the dirt, "I will tear you apart!" Supreme Kai says flying to Xeno and start punching him, Xeno amd the Supreme Kai exchange punches dodgeing all there attacks, "Hay hay hay hay hay!" Supreme Kai shouts throwing his punches, "Got you!" Xeno yels finding an opening and punches Supreme Kai in his side, "Bggggaaa!" Supreme Kai shouts caughting blood, "Explosive Kamehameha!" Xeno shoots a blue orb along with Supreme Kai into the air, "Transmission." Xeno yels apearing behind Supreme Kai, "Whats he planing?" Elder Kai askes, "Hehe, Star Dust Impact X4!" Xeno yels creating a pink disk above his head, "Supreme Kai dodge it!" Kobito says, "I-i cant, this orb he put on me is stopping my movement." Supreme Kai says, "Haaaa!" Xeno throws the disk as it moves around Supreme Kai and hits the orb and the orb turns dark purple, "What is that?" Kobito askes, "Is he-is he fuseing two attacks?" Elder Kai askes, "Star Dust: Planet Extiction." Xeno says as the orb suddenly grows large and explodes, "Aaahhh." Elder Kai exhales watching the explosion, "He-he is so powerfull." Kobito says. Xeno lands on the ground standing next to the small crater he made with Supreme Kai laying in it covered with dust and his Kai robe torn to pieces, "And thats how you use energy, and i didnt even have to go super saiyen." Xeno says smiling, "Did he say he can turn into a super saiyen?" Kobito askes, "Well if he can that means he is realy powerfull, if he goes super saiyen with his full potential he might become something unstoppable." Elder Kai says, "Xeno, you-you are very strong." Supreme Kai says standing up out of the dirt, "I am proud to call you a fellow Kai." Supreme Kai says holding out his hand, "I wouldent call you a Kai, i would you a friend." Xeno says smiling shaking Supreme Kais hand, "Well now that we have seen what you can do we can start your training." Elder Kai says, "Well first thing we want to do is unlock his full potentia, right Elder?" Kobito askes, "Ah yes i forgot about that, the only way for our training to be 100% efrective is if he can use all his power." Elder Kai says hoping of the rock walking to Xeno, "Now my boy, you have unlocked the full potensial of your saiyen blood but to unlock the full power of your Kai blood you need control your saiyen anger." Elder Kai says, "Oh you meant like Goku? He hardly has any anger." Xeno says, "Yes just like Goku. To do this we have to go into your mind and trigger the thing that makes you angry and you have to control that anger." Elder Kai says, "Right!" Xeno says.

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