Birth of a Supreme Kai saga part 2

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"Lets go #18." Xeno says holding his hands in front of him, "Yyaahhhhaaa!" Android #18 yells throwing the disk at Cell, "Trigon: Big Bang Kamehameha X10!!" Xeno yells as a loud bang is heard as a huge black energy wave shoot out and head towards Cell, the disk hits Cell but he is holding it in his hands, "You think that would work?" Cell asks, just then the huge black wage hits Cell, "Now, let your fate be judged by the stars." Xeno says holding his one hand in the air and the other keeping the wave on Cell, "What!?" Cell yells, just then tiny white spheres appears in the sky as it slowly starts to get darker as the sun sets, "Star Dust Crash!" Xeno yells as all the tiny sphere shoot down at Cell as it merges with the wave and impaling Cell, a giant black sphere appears and explodes with Cell in it as Xeno holds one star on the tip of his finger, Cell gets up out of the dirt with hundreds of tiny holes in him, "T-that was, insane." Cell says, "Your still up i see." Xeno says as the star starts to shine bright hovering above Xenos finger, "It will take more then a few simple priks to stop me." Cell says, "How about one big one?" Xeno says flicking the star to Cell as it hits him sticking to his chest, "What? Whats this? What did you do?" Cell asks looking at the star, Xeno raises his finger as Cell goes up into the air with the star, "This is how a star dies, Burnout." Xeno says making a fist in the air as the star explodes with a loud and sharp sound breaking the sound barrier. Cell falls to the ground with a huge hole in his chest, "Hmgg... d-dirty trick." Cell says seeing android #18 in the distance, "Now if you don't mind, i will be taking my prize." Cell says as he throws his tail at android #18, "#18 look out!" Xeno yells, Makina jumps in front of android #18 getting hit in the chest by Cells tail, "Ah look here, you want to protect this tasty treat? Well your actions are useless now." Cell says as he flicks Makina to the side, "Hnnn! M-Makina." Xeno says as he turns back into his base form, "Now #18 you will become part of me." Cell says as he absorbs android #18 and turns into his perfect form, "Now lets go ahead for round two, this time i am at full power." Cell says, "Y-you, k-killed her." Xeno says, "Oh the girl? My tail went straight through her, i felt her spine too." Cell says, "Hnnggg! Hnnnnn!" Xenos aura starts to change to full black and misty with red lightning, "You w-will pay!" Xeno yells, "Oh is that so?" Cell askes, "Yes and i am going to rip you apart one piece at a time." Xeno says opening his eyes that turned dark yellow surrounded by black, "What? Whats this?" Cell asks, "I will make you pay!" Xeno yells as his new black aura explodes as he starts to hover in the air and his white hair stands up like a super saiyen and only the three hairs hanging over his forehead turn blood red as the aura lightning intensities and the ground underneath Xeno tears apart, "Its, its Xenos God form!" Chronoa yells, as Xenos aura dies down he stands in place looking at cell with his black eyes, "W-what are you?" Cell asks, "I am your death." Xeno says in a deep voice, "I am Xeno the Supreme Kai of Death, this is my ultimate form, its the result of my full saiyen and kai power in one transformation, your death is at hand." Xeno says as he lifts up from the ground holding his arms open. "I-i cant even read is power level its so high." Vegeta says, "Get him big brother!" Chronoa yells, "Why you little brat." Cell says instant transmissioning in front of Chronoa, "You will die first." Cell says grabbing Chronoa, Xeno appears beside Cell holding his arm, "You know here picking on kids is seen as abuse, so kindly let go of my sister." Xeno says twisting Cells arm and throwing him aside, "I better end this quick little sis, how about you give me a hand." Xeno says smiling rubbing Chronoas head, "Um, how do i do that?" Chronoa asks, "Spare me some energy okay." Xeno says, "Oh, oh i get it hehe." Chronoa says as a purple aura forms around Xenos hand, "Thanks sis, here hold onto this for me." Xeno says giving Chronoa a black star, "Oh, what do i do with this?" Chronoa asks, "Just hold onto it for me okay." Xeno says, "Now, i think i got a bug to squash." Xeno says as he appears in front of Cell standing still but it appears Cell took 10 punches, "You think your powerful? This is the power of a god." Xeno says punching Cell the stomach lifting him into the air, "I named this move after my sister, Chronosphere!" Xeno yells a purple sphere shoots up into the air with Cell, Xeno appears ahead of the blast with his arms in front of him, "Behold my most powerful move!" Xeno yells as a red sphere apears in front of him and hundreds of small yellow spheres are absorbed into the red sphere, "This is my mothers attack and my attack merged into one, Big Crimson God Kamehameha!" Xeno yells as a red, yellow and orange energy almost the same size as the moon shoots out of Xenos hands towards Cell as it hits it collides with the purple sphere he used on Cell, "Rest in pieces. X100!" Xeno yells as the red wave intensities and becomes larger as it explodes in mid air turning the sky red as the dust clears Cell was gone and Xeno was back in his base form all tired. Xeno falls to the ground breathing heavily, "Phew, that was intense." Xeno says, "Xeno!" Chrinoa yells jumping on him, "You have accepted your role." Chronoa says, "Seems i did sis." Xeno says hugging Chronoa, "Can we please not enjoy our little down time while we are still fighting." Cell says as he gets up from the ground and half his body is blow off, "How are you still alive?" Xeno asks, "He-he can take a ton of beating." Makina says getting up from the ground, "Makina your okay." Xeno says running to her, "So the girl is still alive, lets change that for a second." Cell says swaying his tail around, "No you wont." Xeno says hugging Makina, "Chronoa the star." Xeno says holding out his hand holding Makina, Chronoa puts the star in Xenos hand as he emideatly turns into his god form, "I stored most of my power in this attack, behold my home planets core, Omega Trigon Star!" Xeno yells throwing the star to Cell as it hits Cell it launches him into the air and makes him implode on himself. "Is-is it over?" Makina asks, "Yes, yes it is over." Xeno says as he kisses Makina turning back to his base form.

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