step 1

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we sat ourselves around the table that was found in my office, and started a discussion.

From time to time I would glance her way and the corners of my mouth would tug on it's  own.

"Do you need anything Sir Maui?"   Gretta came in through the door with a small bucket of red wine. Her smile was playful.

That woman knew exactly what she was doing.

I was still  in my wasted stated. Just more controlled. And that wine in her hand was my favourite. She knew I would reject it and the sight of me rejecting a bottle of liquor satisfied her on so many levels.

"No thank you Gretta" I turned to Mr.Blairmore who was eyeing the bottle in her hand. I bet if i give him a few more seconds he'd be batting his mouth trying to control his drooling.

I chuckled at the thought.  Rather loudly I might add.

"But my guests might say otherwise. Bring it in Gretta." She walked gracefully across the room and placed the bucket in the middle of the of the table. Followed by three long glasses .

She was about to pour some for us but I stopped her and excused her from the room.

If I can't drink it,I'll serve it. That's my motto.

The glass was half full when stopped.

"Oh come now,sir Maui. This is nothing compared to what I drink." Christelle slipped further down her seat in embarrassment. I dipped my head to the side smiling towards her. Giving her the impression that she had nothing to worry about. 

I poured more to his glass until it almost overflowed.

I picked up another glass and pushed it towards her and her father immediately jumped.

"Mt daughter does not drink sir maui., she has never tasted the goodness of liquor. She is pure" at the corner of my eye I saw her roll her eyes subtly and smiled.

"Yes indeed I have never tasted liquor." Either I'm a good mind reader or she made it obvious. The thick sarcasm laced in her voice.

"My apologies." I withdrew the glass away from her and placed the bottle back into its nesting place.

"Sir Maui?" Her father gave me a worried look. And I knew what he was referring too.

"I'm afraid drinking is not optional for me today."

"What? Did you waste yourself last night in one of those petty clubs" he laughed clearly joking but the truth had its way to ruin someone's day.

I forced a laugh and went along with it.

"Pubs are more my thing." I lied. Pubs are sometimes considered as passive hotspots for rich men. People are more controlled and civilised. At least that's what people say.

"Nothing better than a good old pub to end the day. Eh?!"

I scratched the back of my head embarrassingly but subtly.

Christelle was smirking. Her head was lowered and when she felt my gaze on her,lifted it up and her smirk grew evilly. That exposed my own little smirk.

After talking for another hour or so,the meeting ended and her father went to the bathroom. Which was all the way upstairs. Giving me plenty of time with his daughter.

"So?....." I drawled.

"You don't remember anything do you?" Her tone humorous.

I gave a her a confused look.

Maui's SecretWhere stories live. Discover now