numbered wives

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As always Manululu was true to his words. 30 minutes later I heard the doorbell and one of my maids was about to open the door when I gave her the order not to.

"Alright sir" she said as she stepped away from the door. I breathed on before opening the door to my friend and his guests which probably were some of my acquaintances.

I clutched the door handle and Turned it.

The first thing I saw was his scruffy face and green eyes.

"Hey!!!" He shouted as we exchanged a man hug. He was undeniably strong.

"It's been long man. Look at you. Look how sexy you've become." He said pointing to my bod.

I chuckled deeply.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I glanced over his shoulders and invited the guests in. To my surprise it was actually a big group. So big you couldn't even count em.And I only knew half of them througMaulala.

"Did you invite everyone from your company?" My question was meant to be rhetorical but the look on his face answered my question anyway.

"Hey you are getting married. Your last days of being a free man. You need a bachelor party to remind you what you're gonna miss. And take it from someone who's been married countless times." He said in a matter of fact tone.

The thing with Manululu he loves women. And he's not the kind of man that when he sees one he deliberately falls in love with her . No. He's the kind of man that wants to be with all women. The obsession with having them all. So obsessed that he doesn't believe in one night stands or just flings, More like universal polygamy.

"Which wife are you on now?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"Hey man that's not fair." He replied looking down at the ground subtly.

I watched him, knowing that he will at some point tell me.

"Her names Heather and she's wife number 9" he murmured.

"What was that?" I pushed.

" hey you know I don't like talking about them. " he looked up and gave me a straight face.  I raised both hands in the air as a sign of surrendering .

"Okay okay, if you say so. I'll just go get some drinks for the two of us" I turned around and he followed behind. I felt his hands land on my shoulders and he pulled himself closer to me and whispered in my ear

"But if you must know, she carries what one would call an overloading factory" he snickered and I laughed.

"You can tell me all about it in in a few" we walked together to the kitchen and took out two bottles of beer.

"So....." he trailed while opening his bottle.

"How did you land on a Blairmore?" I took a long gulp at my beer and thought back to the first time I met Christelle.

"And make sure your explanation is very detailed." I smiled.

Oh the things I could say about Christelle. The way she walks, the way she laughs and talks her sense of humour and the way her make up makes her look like a goddess. I love the way she blushes when I look at her and when she would snuggle up against me in her sleep. The way she bites her lower lip in embarrassment or how her giggle makes me laugh so loud. Her perfume is just intoxicating and her hair smells like sweet herbs. Everything about her just turns me on my heel. Who says there's no such thing as perfection.

At the corner of my eye I saw him staring at me. Did I do something wrong? Do I have something on my face? I touched my face to check if there was something there.


Then what?

He raised an eyebrow at me.

Oh shoot. I didn't answer his question did I? 

"No you didn't" he said and I almost jumped at the fact that he knew what I had just mentally asked myself.

"How did you?"

"It's nothing supernatural. It's just that you have an expressive face." He started laughing.

"Maui when I say how did you land on a Blairmore and say it in detail I mean say it out loud so I could hear. Not 'go ahead and drool about her in your mind'." He laughed once more and took a long hard sip of my beer.

"Freak" he said out loud before taking a sip out of his beer.

"Shut up" I murmured as I placed my bottle on the counter. And at that point something came to me.

"Hey manululu! Would you mind doing me a huge favour."

He nodded.

" can you be my best man?" He froze.

"Hello?!" I clicked my fingers to see if he was still listening. And he slightly jumped .

"Are you..are you...sure!" He was utterly shocked. And I nodded.

I knew this was at the last minute and the wedding was tomorrow morning. Meaning he had little time to prepare, but I literally couldn't think of anyone else

He is an expert in weddings after all. But more of a groom than a best man.

I waited for a response.

" I'm not saying no. It's just that I feel really bad because I've never asked you to be a best man. Except for my first wedding which I guess wouldn't make me feel as bad because well you have been my best man for one my weddings". He breathed when he realised that he was ranting.

Well it's settled then. He's gonna be my best man.

"I'm gonna be a best man.  Yes !!" He silently celebrated.

"But we need to settle on some ground rules." He nodded.

"Hit me."

" that's precisely what I mean. The hitting.. no hitting of any kind with the women at the reception." He made a face.

"Why?" He asked with a tone full of disappointed.

I raised a brow.

"Oh" he exclaimed.

"I'm married" and I rolled my eyes.

He started laughing.

"Idiot" I'm so not seeing him following that rule.

"Now back to my previous question about Blairmore." He smirked.

I started talking.  OUTLOUD this time about Christelle and how we met and so on and I have to admit talking about it made it seem like a long time ago. But the feelings felt so fresh.

He listened and smiled and commented. It felt so good talking to him again. Just like old times.

I dedicated the rest of the night to fun and waited patiently for the next day to come.

My wedding day.

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