No boundaries.

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She was breathless by the time I broke the kiss and in my head I was screaming with delight.

"Took you long enough" she whispered against my lips. I chuckled.

"Be appreciative" I whispered back. Her small laugh filled my ears .

"Trust me. I am" our foreheads were leaning against each others for a while. We just stood there and stared at each other. My body was still trembling and my breathing still ragged. My heart was pounding. My hands were wrapped around her waist and hers around my neck.

" is this how we're gonna end the night?" Her tone held a but of disappointment and longing.

"Not even close,but I'm hoping it would end the same way." I smiled.

"Me too" she pulled herself deeper in my embrace.
"What's next then?"

"Well, we go watch Thor."  She pulled back to look at me.

"The dark world?" She narrowed her eyes at me. As if testing me.

"The only one." She gave me a small squeeze while I laughed at her reaction and i released my hold on her.

"As much as I love to stay in those...." she drawled and caressed my arms and chest.

"Those God- given muscle toned arms of yours, Loki's sarcasticness is waiting for me. "  she took my hand and blindly navigated me in my won house.

"You don't even know my place very well"

"Don't have to, I'm known to be a very good navigator"

"Who told you that?" I asked cheekily. She turned to me and smile.

" that's for me to know and for you to play along." Her eyes travelled all over my face before she turned around and pulled me with her as we walked around the house. To my surprise. She found the movie set up and we sat together and enjoyed the movie. Then a small cartoon followed by a comedy and lastly a romance. The romance was a driven love story and Christelle got too emotional. She snuggled into me and stained my shirt with her tears. I have to admit. Mt heart reached out to her in that moment.

During the kissing scenes of the movie,we would at times glance at each other and either one of us would look away blushing. And my mind would originally and automatically make its way to the memory of me and her kissing. My body would tense up at the memory and my heart would beat faster.

I've never felt this way about someone before. I don't even know how I feel. I love thinking about her, I love seeing her, I enjoy spending time with her, and I especially love talking to her. She makes everything easy. Doesn't over think things, is straight forward and outgoing.

I even feel sad when she's not around. But, I cannot jump into conclusions and say that this is love. It's not like me . I like her , yes. Very much. And until I sort out my feelings, I'll keep on enjoying the thrill she gives me.

I found myself waking up with a big smile on my face. And the maids were chirpy. Extremely chirpy. But they never asked any questions.

I dropped Christelle at her house last night and gave her another kiss. She was standing on her toes when I left her.

I chuckled at the memory.

But now Maui is not the time to think about her. Now you need to focus on your job.

I sat behind my desk and emailed some of my employees to make sure the senior investors for Mr. Blairmore 's company had regular updates on the company's bank activity. Which was now inactive because it's under my possession until I decide to hand it over to Christelle and given additional permission by his father to carry out the act.

As I went through the paper mails I got,I found a particular one that caght my attention. That was from Blairmore himself. It had a red seal on it. The logo of his company. The letter dated 2 days ago.  I opened it only to astonished by its content.

Dear Sir Maui

This letter is to confirm that my daughter Christelle Blairmore will inherit the Blairmore Corp. company After the first 6 months that you'll own it.  If you need additional proof , I will email you my will if you ask.

Now as we both knowChristelle will be 18 in 3 months. And I won't be in the country after that for 8 months. I will be on a business tour. So after her 18th birthday she will be under your care.  You will act as her mentor and train her to be responsible .

After my return back to the states, I expect to see a driven, and strong headed girl who will inherit a title for herself  and become the face of the company.

Do not let me down sir. Work along side and instruct her in the best ways possible.

Yours truly.

J. Blairmore.

I read and reread the letter again to make sure that I didn't miss anything and the sudden happiness that filled my body exploded into a fit of laughter. 

It's gonna happen.

It's finally gonna happen.

She's going to be the company's owner and she'll finally believe that her father is proud of her. And trusts her.

I emailed the Mr.Blairemore to get a copy of his will and he was right. He did gave Christelle permission to become the owner in upcoming 6 months.

I was psyched. So psyched. I was impatient to tell her the news. The thought of her reaction was even more exciting.

And me as her mentor. Meant I wold spend more time with her. And that'll help me with making my feelings clear. This was actually gonna happen.


I laid back in my chair and a message popped up on my phone.

Let's go on a date!😊😊

I thought we already did. Last night.😏

You called that a date?😒😒

We kissed didn't we? So it was a date.

WOW!! You are so old fashioned.

I'm a demi God. I'm not that old. I thought to myself before texting back.

Plus you didn't exactly say,  'let's go out on a date' when you asked me.

She texted and I smiled and texted back.

Then let's go out on a date?

I already asked you.

Well now I'm asking you too. It's a yes on my side.

It's a definite yeah on mine.

Good. It's settled. We're. Going in a date tonight.

And with that a call came through and she was the caller I.D. I picked up with a smirk.

"So we're doing calls now" I could see her dead panning  me on the other line.

"Don't even try to be cute by giving snarky comments." I laughed.

"I want to take you out for Chinese. Can you come pick me up at 7? " she asked sweetly.

" perfect . Oh and there's some news that I want to share with you tonight."

"What kind?"

"You'll see" and with that we said our good byes and I continued the rest of my day with the thought of tonight Plastered in my head.

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