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Copyright © Gottalubme. All Rights Reserved.

Authors Note:

Hey guys. Alright so pretty much i logged on today to post new chapters to my stories. And my stories are gone. I have no idea what happened to them, and i have no way to repost them since my laptop fried and i lost all of my stories. So instead of writing the stories from nothing, im going to start a new story. I hope you guys enjoy it.


       Pain. Thats all i felt when my mother walked out of my life when i was only seven years old. I can remember that day like it was written on the back of my hand. My father smacked me. Hard. "This is all your fault." He screamed. He ran up the stairs, sobbing. I ran to sit in front of the couch, so he couldnt see me. I heard him bound back down the stairs. I peeked from where i was sitting, he had a bag in his hand. "I'll be back tomorrow." He yelled, not knowing where i was. He ran out the door, slamming it behind him.

      I shook with fear. I slowly crawled the stairs, heading to my room. When i got there, i crawled up in a ball on the floor. I heard a small knock on my window. I look up, peeking between my hands at the window. It was Drew. He was my neighbor. I stood up and walked to the window, shaking. I opened it quickly, and let him in.

       Drew was two years older than me. His blue eyes sparkling with worry. He closed the window behind him and pulled me into a hug. "I heard some yelling," he whispered in my ear, "i was just making sure you're okay." I nodded my head, slowly. I didnt find the strength to stand anymore, my knees giving out beneath me. Drew acting quickly, laid underneath me. I laid on him, sobbing on him the rest of the night. His whispered soothing things in my ear, stroking my hair in the process. He stayed with me that night, making me believe that everything would be alright.

    But things dont always turn out that way. You just have to keep believing.


Authors Note:

  I'm hoping this one will make up for the other two i didnt get to complete. Please vote and comment. I'd like to know if i should continue this story or not. Love you guys & thank you if you're still my fan :D


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