chapter four.

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Chapter Four:

"Come on, Jamie! Hurry up!" Amber yelled as she ran toward the waves. It had been a week since me and Drew had kissed. And things have been a whole lot better. It was just like I remembered when I was in 8th grade. We had spent all week hanging out and doing fun things. Right now, me and Amber are at the beach. We are supposed to be meeting Drew here. Rolling my eyes at Amber, I gather my towel and my beach bag then follow behind her. She laid out her towel and I did the same with mine. 

"Hey you." I turned around to face Drew. I smiled and pulled him in for a hug. "Hey." I said back. We pulled apart and I turn back to fixing my towel on the sand. I glance up at Amber. She just has a huge smile on her face. "AWWWWWWW!" she suddenly yells, catching the attention of the whole beach. I give her a flat look. "Thanks Ambs." I just hear Drew chuckling from behind me. I finished laying things out. "Oh. My. God." Amber gasps. "Look Jamie! Scott the hottie is over there and hes looking at me!!" I roll my eyes, " Just go talk to him." She blushes. I laugh and walk over and shove her in his direction. She sighs and walks over to talk to him. 

I turn to Drew and he just smiles at me. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" I ask. "Oh nothing." He chuckles and pulls on my hand. "Come on, lets go in the water." I laughed and followed him, trying not to let him notice how amazing it feels whenever he holds my hand. We walk out until the water in up to our chests. He turns to look at me, his smile putting a smile on my face. "You think you can just charm me like the other girls?" I question him. He strokes my face, looking at me with a serious face. "You're not like all those other girls." He whispers loud enough for me to hear over the waves. I smile at him and he smiles back. He puts his hands on my hips and lifts me up, making me squeal. I wrap my legs around his waist. He spins me around a couple times and I finally realize what hes doing. "Drew, dont you dare!" I yell. He throws me under the water. The salty water soaks my hair and I head back to the surface for air. I gasp when I get to the top. I splash him. "Come on, I could have died!" He just laughs and pulled me closer. "I wouldnt let that happen to you, silly." I just laughed with him.

How could life get any better?


After laying in the sun for a bit, we finally found Amber along the beach hanging out with Scott. They say their goodbyes and we all head to Ambers car. "You just wanna meet us at the Dairy Queen?" I ask. Drew nods. "Okay, see you there then." I give him a hug and go to walk around the other side of the car. He grabs my hand, "Wait, Jamie." I stop and turn around and he leans down and kisses me. It was just a peck. But it drove me insane. We pulled away and I just smiled at him. He did the same back and headed to his car. I got in my side of Ambers car and just looked out the window. "So, are you guys dating or..?" Amber said as just pulled out and headed to Dairy Queen. I sighed. "Honestly, I have no clue what we are." She just nodded and paid attention to driving. "Are you and Scott dating?" She looked at me like I had two heads. "Psshh, what of course not!" She answered too quickly. I gave her a flat look. "Okay, well he might of asked me on a date..." "WHAT?!?!?" I yelled. "See, I didnt tell you cause I knew you would do that." She said. I snorted, "What and you're saying that if I told you that me and Drew were dating, which we're not, you wouldnt have reacted the same way?" She just sat there for a minute. "Never said that." She scoffed. "Exactly." 

She just laughed as we pulled into Dairy Queen. We headed inside and stood next to Drew in line. We finally got to the front of the line and ordered. We all got our ice cream and sat down. Drew sat next to me and Amber sat across. Amber ordered a hot fudge sundae, Drew ordered a banana split and I ordered a oreo blizzard. We giggled and laughed until our ice cream was all gone. We headed out to our cars. It was now around 8 and the sun was setting. "Can I drive you home?" Drew offered. I turned to look at Amber. She was nodding like an idiot. I turned back to Drew, "Sure just let me get my stuff." I headed to the back seat of Ambs car and got my things, putting them into Drews. "Alright well, ill see you Monday Ambs?" It was Saturday and she had some family thing to go to tomorrow so we couldnt hang out. "Yep!" She said giving me a hug. I hugged her back and headed to Drews car getting in. 

We pulled out and Drew grabbed my hand, placing our linked hands on the hand rest. I smiled at him and looked out the window. We drove home in silence but i liked it. We finally came to my street and I stopped breathing. His car. It was there. Thats not possible. He hasnt been there since he left me. Drews grip tightened on mine as he must have noticed to. "You're staying with me." I nodded,  not trusting my voice. We pulled into his driveway. He turned off the car. He looked at me. "Stay here." I nodded again. He got out and ran to my side of the car. He got my things out of the back and ran into his house. Around a minute later, he came around to my door and picked me up in his arms. He kicked the door shut and carried me into the house placing me on the couch. I just curled into a ball, hiding my face so he didnt see how weak i was. 

He pulled me out of the ball and placed me on his lap. Pain was the only thing read on his face. Tears were soaking my cheeks. He kissed away every fresh tear. He rocked me back and forth in his arms, whispering only one thing into my ear. 

"I wont let him hurt you."


Wah, sorry about taking forever to update :(

I have no clue how long this is gonna be but hopefully its longer than the other ones? (:

Love you guys, ill try updating again sooon!


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