Chapter 7

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The next morning Sarah was rushing around getting her hair done and her clothes ready. Dakota walked outside and saw Michael's sister getting the leash on Rose. Dakota ran back inside and got his own leash and went back to the backyard and opened the gate and ran to the sister. Hey Dakota you want a walk. Dakota barked he knew the word walk enough times to know what it meant it meant for him to get outside and maybe go to the dog park. Michael walked out of the house. Dakota ran to him. You want to go on a small run Dakota. Dakota barked again. Okay Michael and Dakota started to run they got to a good pace and kept it up when they got back Michael said bye to Dakota and ran inside. Dakota panted and saw Sarah waiting at the end of the drive way. Dakota met her there. Hey Dakota how are you? Dakota barked to let Sarah know he was good. Good. A big yellow vehicle stopped in front of Sarah's house and Sarah stepped on the vehicle. Michael ran to the bus and got there just in time. Dakota never felt like going back to the house that day. So Dakota walked to the old bakery. The baker was 70 years old his grandson that sometimes there in the summer was named Ben. He was nice around fourteen just like Michael and Sarah. The old baker saw Dakota and opened the door of the bakery. Dakota had a second life at the bakery some people might say. The bakery was busy that day and costumers smiled at Dakota and always gave him a treat some of the costumers never but Dakota never minded. Dakota barked to let the baker know it was time for him to leave for the day. It is time for you to go Dakota? Dakota barked in frustration that time that the baker never knew why Dakota was barking for. Okay Dakota see you tomorrow same time same place. Dakota barked and wagged his tail to let the baker know he would be back the next day. Dakota ran to Michael's house with his leash in his mouth and when the yellow bus came and let Michael off the bus Dakota wagged his tail at him. Michael seemed sad but when he saw Dakota he smiled and said let's run. Michael ran to the dog park and let Dakota off his leash. Dakota sighed and ran like the wind. When it was time to go he listened and came running back to Michael. This routine continued soon November came and some a few days it snowed the runs were not as many as it was in nicer weather. The runs that Michael and Dakota went on in nicer weather came to a jog in the morning and a walk in the afternoon but one horrible November afternoon changed the routine! There was a rain storm the other night and it froze the roads because in the day time it rained and by night time the temperatures went below freezing. Michael heard his mother's voice as he took off to school. Be careful it was a awful ice storm last night. Dakota and Michael never went on their jog because he was late waking up but promised Dakota a run after school. Dakota saw them take the yellow bus every day now. Dakota never cared because he was going to the bakery. Dakota struggled to walk to the bakery because it was so icy even if Dakota was built for the cold weather. At the bakery and Dakota got a sandwich that day from one of the workers. Dakota left at the regular time so he could catch Michael so he could run with him right away after school. Dakota got there just on time and Michael smiled and walked to Dakota. Michael yelled to his mother that he was going on a run and his mother said be careful. Michael and Dakota got to a good pace and headed to the side roads to get to the dog park. The side roads were icy but save they got to the field and then went to the forest there was a sheet of black ice that Michael never saw and a tree after the sheet of ice. Dakota stopped and watched Michael. Michael slipped on the ice and hit his head and went unconscious. Dakota whined and Dragged Michael to a tree because Michael landed on top of the fallen tree. When Dakota got Michael sitting up a tree behind his back Dakota started to lick Michael. But Michael never said a thing Dakota laid on top of Michael to keep him warm and he kept licking his head to stop the bleeding. Dakota knew something was wrong with Michael because when he came around he could not move his arm and both of his legs. Dakota you stayed with me Hu boy. Dakota whined and licked Michael's chin. Dakota I need help boy go get help. Dakota whined it is okay boy I will be fine just go get help will yeah boy. Dakota never wanted to leave his new friend but knew he never disobeyed a commend before. So off Dakota ran no one was at Michael's house or Sarah's house so Dakota ran to the bakery and the baker that was named Henry heard Dakota's frantic barking and followed Dakota by car to the forest and went to were Dakota ran to. What is your name? My name is Michael. Michael looked up pain and fear was in his eyes. Why are you here in the forest? I went on a run with Dakota. Where is your parent's son? They are visiting some friends of theirs in Welland. Well you are lucky that you have a dog that loves you so much you could have been dead in this cold weather. I know I am lucky. Can you walk? No I don't think. Okay. Try hold onto my hand son and I will help you. Michael got up on his feet then fell. I will call an ambulance okay son just stay here. Michael smiled weakly thanks. Dakota stayed by Michael's side and kept him company. The old baker came back with two people in uniforms. Dakota growled he was protecting his friend no one was going to take his friend away. It is okay Dakota. Dakota watched as his friend got taken away. Come on Dakota let's see if anyone is home at Michael's house. There was someone home at Michael's house his mom was there and the baker told her what happened and she rushed out of the house. Dakota are you a therapy dog? Dakota barked at whatever the baker asked him he barked at. Sarah saw the old baker and went up to him. What happened? Michael fell in the forest probably broke both of his legs and his arm. Oh my goodness!!! Dakota saved his life though. Is he a therapy dog? Yeah he is. Tomorrow I will bring him then to the hospital to see Michael. Oh okay. I think he would like that he has become fast friends with Michael and he would miss him if he never saw him for some time.

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