9 • 4:22 p.m.

30 2 0

[4:22 p.m.]

"Yeah, Mom. I'm already here in Valenthall. Alright, talk to you later. Love you. I'll visit you guys in two weeks. Say hi to Dad and Truman for me."

Lucas ended the call as the elevator dinged, reaching the third floor. As soon as he stepped out, he noticed his next-door neighbor decorating his entrance door full of blue hydrangeas, plucking it one by one from a bouquet that he was holding.

Lucas greeted him as he fished out his apartment keys from his pocket. "Hey, Easton."

Easton acknowledged him with a nod, as he seemed to be thinking of a way to prevent the flowers to fall from the door. The masking tape was not working out and cursed to himself when a piece of hydrangea dropped to the floor.

Make that three pieces.

He didn't know much about Easton Howell. All he knew was that he was a professional photographer and that he had been living in Boston for the past six months. That was it.

Lucas claimed he was a good conversation starter but Easton was usually...preoccupied. He would often see him talking to someone on the phone or tinkering with his fancy-looking camera, like he never wanted to be bothered—or was trying to find a way not to be bothered. Easton suddenly reminded him of Clem, his seatmate back from his flight.

Lucas cleared his throat and asked if Easton was expecting someone. He wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and nodded again.

Easton was the kind of man with limited facial expressions.

"Oh, yeah. It's been a while," he replied, and went back inside his apartment. Moments later, he emerged from the doorway, hauling out a big colored cardboard sign that said, Welcome To Your New Home, George! written in large, bold, calligraphy.

He fastened the cardboard in the middle of the flower arch, and once it was settled in, he stepped back and stood with his arms akimbo, looking at his work from top to bottom.

Feeling unsure, he scratched the back of his head and turned to Lucas. "That'll do, don't you think?"

Out of courtesy, Lucas smiled and gave him two-thumbs up, albeit some of the flowers were poorly taped and was getting a little askew, if Easton was aiming for an arched design.

"Okay, I'll take that as a yes. See ya, Lucas." He waved at him and collected the masking tapes and the bouquet from the floor as he swept the fallen petals inside his apartment with his feet.

Lucas closed the door of his apartment and let his backpack slid from his shoulders until it collapsed on the wooden floor. He plopped himself to the sofa and closed his eyes until he dozed off. He had a tiring day. 

Out of all the things that traveled in his train of thought, Lucas still wished that he would have a hot girl as a neighbor, but not all dreams come true. Case in point was obvious enough. From the looks of it, he now had not one, but two male neighbors, whoever George was to Easton.

At the back of his mind, Lucas thought that if he desired a female companion, then he needed to explore his building more.

Or maybe, he just needed to wait a little longer.

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