Part 10 Vol. 2

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It was a long sad ride back from Dog Flats to Busted Gulch and 3Gun had plenty of time to look back over his life, the choices he'd made, and the paths he had taken. His thoughts were a mashup of card games, gun fights, train robberies and friends that had come and gone. Seemed his whole life had been a series of chasing and shooting, revenge and remorse.

There had been good times too, and he forced himself to remember those as a molten sun melted into the silhouette of the mountains. He timed his arrival back in the Gulch when it was night, he planned on just watching and learning what was happening since he had left.

He was surprised how large Tent City had become and how his Deputy was managing the enforcement of the firearm ordinance in town. As a precaution, when he ordered the notice, he had told CrazyGoose she should keep her gun just in case, but keep it out of sight. Of course that was like asking the sun to stop shining.

Alister's situation was still unresolved. Lorne was in town but hadn't taken the Steel gang back yet, he was trying to bully his sister into going home. That had caused a saloon brawl as well as a street fight between him and AJ in which AJ broke his nose, and might have done worse had Loren not stopped him.

3Gun was tempted to step in but decided to wait a bit longer out of sight. He made his way to his room in the hotel, assured his presence would be kept quiet, and he asked that Little Ron be brought to see him.

3Gun didn't have much regard for Ron but he knew the little runt could move about with nobody noticing and he hired him to bring buckets of water to the hotel bath and telling him all the gossip, warning that if he opened his mouth to anyone he would wind up in one of the buckets himself. The gossip, it turned out, was a litany of romantic debacles that had dwarfed all other town business.

He sat in his bathtub, dribbling lilac water at intervals and considered what he had learned.

Love was in the air

Every sight and every sound

Love was in the air

Every time he turned around

If it wasn't Ruechari and Billy

It was something that was equally silly

Even his Deputy Myna, had come under Lorne Order's spell

Love was in the air

Little Ron had brought the word

3Gun shook his head

Disbelieving what he'd heard

AJ was smitten with Loren

He'd defended her honour with fists

Leaving her torn between loyalties

And a path filled with nothing but twists

Love was in the air

And it baffled every mind

No one seemed exempt

No one he could find

He suddenly thought about CG

And all the incidents they'd left behind

He huddled down in his bathwater

Praying that he could unwind



The History of Busted Gulch - Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now