Words Cannot Describe You

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Hey. I am June, a fun-loving girl. I am a freshman in high school, and life is good. Life would be perfect if one thing didn't exist- love. I can never find the right relationship. Now, before you bail on me, just understand that this is a love story like no other. It isn't one of those cheesy "true love" stories and what not. This is a real story-one with conflicts. So with that out of the way, here is my story.

His name is Tyler. I have been in total love with him since sixth grade. You know, the "butterflies" kind of love. The kind of love that stems from infatuation and grows into real love. The first thing that caught my eye were his eyes. Gosh, are they gorgeous. They are a medium-brown tone, like caramel. They crinkle when he smiles, almost to the point where you can't see them. I could stare into them all day, and they disrupt my sleep at night. I live in my own universe of "what-if" scenarios when I gaze into them. His hair is silky-straight and light brown. These are the things I fell head-over-heels for. Even now, in my freshman year of high school, they have the ability to make me lose my focus. He is so...undescribable.

"Hey, June!" I turn around and see Tyler jogging towards me. I tried to smooth down my wild, curly hair and smiled. 

"Hey, Ty. Whatcha up to?" I grinned at him and he shrugged. I closed my locker.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to know if you want to skip last period and go get pizza or something. I am really bored here." He raised an eyebrow at me. "You in?" Boy, was I ever! I cleared my throat and tried to look natural.

"Um, yeah. Sure, sounds cool to me. Is um...anyone else going?" I asked, trying not to blush. I failed epically. He laughed softly.

"Nope, just us. Ok, June, I have to go now. Meet me by the cafeteria after fifth period?" he asked. I nodded, too shy to form words. He nodded back and walked away. I internally groaned at my stupidity during that conversation and leaned against my locker. I rubbed my face with my hands. Boy, this was going to be a loooong class. 

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