Is There Hope ?

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Erica's POV

She takes a seat on the couch

"So let's talk" she says

I follow and take a seat next to her

I don't even know where to start . I've messed up way too many times with Cyn .

"Look Cyn .. I was wrong for not telling you about Nikki and continuing to lie to you about her . I wish I could go back and fix everything that went wrong"

"But you can't go back and fix anything Erica . I gave you so many chances to just tell me the truth and you didn't"

"Cyn I'm sorry . I knew I shouldn't have tried to have a friendship with Nikki and I regret it"

"You can keep whatever you have with her Erica because I'm done"

"Cyn you know that we will never really be done . We always find our way back to each other and we always will"

She gives me a look and says "Bye Erica"

she tries to stand but I pull her back down

"Look I'm sorry . I just meant that the love we have is something we won't find with anyone else. I won't love anyone else the way I love you. Our love is different"

"Well maybe I don't want this love anymore Erica. This love hurts and I am tired of being hurt by you because you don't know what you want"

I hate that I ruined something so good . I know I don't deserve her but I can't live without her ..

"Cyn all I want is you . You are the only one I ever wanted and you know that"

"I'm all you ever wanted ? You cheated on me with Rich , Then when we started having problems instead of working things out with me you go and get engaged to Bow Wow and now you cheat on me once again Erica ... I can't possibly be the one you want."

I don't even know what to say ..

"Cyn I am sorry .. I never meant to hurt you"

She sighs "I don't believe you Erica . You would still be lying to me right now if I never found out. You never planned to tell me the truth and you weren't going to. How can I trust you again? I am tired Erica . I am so tired of going through the same thing over and over with you. It's draining Erica" she says as tears start to fall

"I know Cyn ... I don't expect you to forgive me right now and I'm not expecting you to take me back but I don't want you to just walk out of my life . Whatever you want me to do I'll do it."

"I want you to give me space and more time Erica."

I nod and say "I'll give you space ."

I don't want anymore space between us but I have to respect her wishes.

She checks the time on her phone and then looks back to me "I have to go."

"Okay" I say as I walk her to the door

"Bye Erica" she says as she walks out the door


LATER Around 1am

I'm sitting up watching TV because I can't sleep . I can't stop thinking about Cyn and everything we've been through.

My phone starts going off so I pick it up and see that it's Cyn calling .


Hey Erica .. Did I wake you ?

No . What's up? Are you okay?

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