Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Tsuna arrived first. He stood out with his appearance. His ‘in-style clothes’ and his taller stature made him look like a model. He felt uncomfortable as girls stared and giggled around him. Minutes later, Kyoko arrived. She also stood out with her cute appearance. She waved and smiled at him sweetly.

"Tsuna-kun! Sorry for being la-!" Kyoko tripped, Tsuna caught her just in time and looked at her in the face. Their faces were so close that their lips almost touched.

"Are you okay Kyoko-chan?" Tsuna asked worriedly.

Kyoko looked flustered and looked away. "I'm okay."

After hearing the affirmation, Tsuna grabbed her hand and lead her to the cake shop.

They were both red all over. Kyoko looked down and tried to hide her nervousness. It was her first time to hold hands with another guy other than her Onii-chan and her Father. She felt awkward but happy at the same time.

They arrived at the shop and walked to the counter together. The clerk looked really friendly and smiled at them.

“Ara, Are you guys on a date? You guys look so cute together.”

They both looked at each other and blushed.

"Um, I'll take a slice of strawberry shortcake and some tea." Kyoko ordered right away to prevent further compliments from the clerk.

"I'll just get some tea please." Tsuna ordered immediately. He was also afraid of another teasing question from the clerk.

"Okay, Two cups of tea and a slice of strawberry shortcake for the young couple!" The clerk yelled.

They were both startled and got flustered. Trying to ignore the clerk, Tsuna guided Kyoko to a vacant table by the window. They can’t help but notice all the attention they got from the other costumers. They just kept quiet and tried to ignore them.

A few more minutes later, the waitress finally showed up.

"Here are your orders. Enjoy!" She said with a huge grin on her face as she placed their orders on the table.

Kyoko smiled as she picked up her fork, and started digging into her delicious strawberry shortcake.

'Wow, Kyoko looks like an angel.' Tsuna thought.

As he drank his tea, Tsuna spotted dots of icing on Kyoko’s face.

"Umm Kyoko-chan, hold on for a bit." Tsuna said, as he leaned over the table to get closer to Kyoko.

"Huh?" Kyoko looked at him confusingly.

Tsuna wiped the icing off using his index finger and sucked into it.

"Mmmm! Whip cream is really delicious." Tsuna smiled.

Kyoko was fascinated by his smile and noticed how mature Tsuna looked now. Not much people notice it, but he was taller and much more masculine now compared to the old ‘no good-Tsuna’.

Tsuna used to just sit in the corner. He was too shy to talk to anyone and never complained on things he was forced to do. He would end up pushing himself too hard and getting injured. Now, Tsuna could talk to people and has a lot of friends. He even saved her life a lot of times. She suddenly felt awkward and nervous.

"Umm Kyoko-chan, could you give me some of your cake?" Tsuna asked.

"Umm Yeah.” Kyoko sliced a small portion of the cake and fed Tsuna using her fork.

"Wow, Delicious!" Tsuna said smilingly, which made Kyoko even more flustered than before.

"Kyoko-chan looks really cute today." Tsuna complimented.

"Uhh ummm…" Kyoko was speechless.

Later on, Tsuna noticed that Kyoko had finished her cake and that the tea cups only had a few drops of tea left. He stood up and said,

"Let's go Kyoko-chan."

"Uh okay." Kyoko stood up and followed.

They left the cake shop and walked around looking at other stores. In a while, they went into a gift store. As Kyoko looked at cute little stuffed toys, Tsuna saw a ring that had a little stone on it.

He thought, ‘It’s simple and beautiful just like Kyoko-chan. It would look really cute on her.’

He wasted no time and bought it secretly.

After going into different shops and playing in the arcade, they decided it was time for them to head home. Tsuna decided to walk with Kyoko on the way home. He stared at her in disbelief. He couldn’t believe that he had spent the whole day with Kyoko. She was just beside him smiling as she usually does. The girl who used to be his distant dream was now casually walking beside him, dame-Tsuna. He felt like he was the happiest man on earth.

When Kyoko's house was just around the corner, Tsuna impulsively stopped walking. Sadness filled his eyes once again. He just realized that the day was about to end. He didn’t expect it to end so soon. He wanted to stay with Kyoko longer, to tell her how much he loved her. He wanted to show her how important she was to him. He got mad at himself for not taking time that seriously.

"What's wrong Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko asked worriedly.

"Kyoko-chan I…." Tsuna clenched his fist. "Kyoko-chan I love you!" He confessed.

He hugged her tightly. "I love you." He said one more time.

"Tsuna…-kun?" Tsuna let go and suddenly kissed Kyoko.

Kyoko was surprised. She wasn’t able to push him back and even if she was able to, she wouldn’t have. Kyoko could feel great emotion coming from Tsuna’s kiss. That emotion he kept hidden for such a long time, she knew it was ‘Love’. She couldn’t really explain, but it was there. He didn’t even have to tell her, she felt it. Tsuna deeply loved her.

Breaking away from the kiss, Tsuna leaned his forehead onto hers and whispered,

"Kyoko-chan, goodbye." Sadness was eminent in his voice. He handed her a gift and ran away with tears falling from his eyes.

Kyoko was dumbfounded. She touched her lips where Tsuna kissed her and felt pain deep within her heart. As she stood there looking at Tsuna’s figure fading away from the distance, tears started to fall and run down her face.

'Tsuna-kun, don't go.' She thought.

I love you, Goodbye [TsunaxKyoko] 2795Where stories live. Discover now