Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

A few months later….

'Oh no! I'm going to be late for class.' Kyoko thought as she ran through the school gate.

With great effort, she finally reached her classroom. Luckily, the teacher had not arrived yet. The class seemed to be noisier than usual. Kyoko went to her seat and settled her bag on the table.

"Hey Hana, what's with all the commotion?" Kyoko asked.

"Some girl said that she saw a cool guy with brown hair and eyes enter the faculty room. He seemed to be a guy of our age." Hana sighed. "I wonder why they're making a big deal out of this."

"Brown hair and eyes huh?..." Kyoko repeated softly with a far away gaze.

"Huh? What's wrong Kyoko?" Hana asked.

"Oh it's nothing." She denied. She surreptitiously thought of the boy who made her cry and at the same time saved her life a couple of times. It was someone she deeply loved.

‘That couldn’t possibly be him right?’ She asked herself.

The teacher went inside the room and everyone immediately went back to their seats.

"Okay class, I guess you already know that we will be having a new student for today.”

The teacher announced.

The class burst with loud murmurs from the students.

“He came all the way from Italy, so please do take care of him." The teacher continued and gestured at someone who was outside the door. Kyoko’s eyes widened as the new student stepped half way through the door.

"Tsu….Tsuna-kun...” She gasped.

All the girls in class were stupefied and looked at Kyoko with disbelief.

The boy smiled at her kindly. "It’s nice to see you again, Kyoko."

The whole class opened their mouths in incredulity.

"WHAT? THAT'S DAME-TSUNA?" They said in unison.

During Lunch…

Tsuna grabbed the seat in front of Kyoko and sat in front of her. Tsuna leaned his arm on the table and stared at her as she ate. He smiled happily.

"Umm… Tsuna-kun." Kyoko blushed. "It's kinda embarrassing when you look at me like that…"

"Huh? Why?" He asked.

"Well… um…. You see… er…. Ever since you came back and well…looked so cool….. A lot of girls have been staring at you. I could feel their envious stares behind my back." Kyoko felt nervous as she looked into his serious but gentle eyes. His warm smile lightened up her heart.

Tsuna giggled. "They have a great problem then." (Cue on the fan girls behind Kyoko who melted because of his heavenly giggle!)

"Uh…what would that be?" She asked shyly. Despite already knowing the answer, she still felt embarrassed to say it.

"You're the only girl I would ever like." He smiled. (Another group of fan girls melt.)

Kyoko became flustered and felt like her heart was about to explode.

“Wow, you're so cute when you're all flustered.” Tsuna gave out another soft giggle. (Do I still have to inform you on what happened to the fan girls?)

All of the boys stared at them. They can’t believe that ‘used to be no-good’ Tsuna made the cutest girl in school all flustered. All of a sudden, a familiar face approached their table.

"Oi Sawada! It’s been a while." The guy arrogantly said.

“Mochida-senpai, you still haven’t graduated yet?” Tsuna gave him a playful smile. “Oh and I see your hair grew back.”

"Are you insulting me?" He shouted angrily.

"Senpai calm down!" Kyoko scolded.

"Do you feel like being bald again?" Tsuna smirked.

"Tsuna-kun!" Kyoko got surprised.

‘Why is he provoking Senpai? This isn't like him!’ She thought.

"Fine! If you want a rematch, I'll give you one. Meet me at the gym after school." Mochida pointed at Tsuna.

"Sure." Tsuna smiled.

"Eh?" Kyoko couldn’t say anything else.

Kyoko fell silent as Mochida sempai walked away. She couldn't believe what Tsuna did. She would think that it was normal for some of Tsuna's guardians but not Tsuna himself.

"What's wrong Kyoko?" He asked.

"What did you do that for?" She yelled.

"What is it? Are you worried that he might beat me up? I can totally take him." He said in a cocky tone.

“It's not you I'm worried about, it's him! What happens if you beat him up so badly? You'll get expelled Tsuna-kun.” Kyoko looked teary–eyed. “I won’t be able to see you again.”

“I’ll handle it.” He tried comforting her.

"But- please Tsuna-kun…. Don't do it… I beg you." She pleaded.

They both fell silent for a while. Tsuna couldn’t endure the sad look on Kyoko’s face. Finally, he said, "Fine. I won't do it. Anything for you, Kyoko."

The day passed by quickly. It was time for Tsuna's fight to begin. As he promised, he did not fight seriously. He just made some faux punches and dodges to obscure the fact that he was suppressing his strength.

After that, people once again acknowledged him as ‘Dame-Tsuna,’ but he didn't mind them at all. He only cared for Kyoko’s opinion. She was the main reason why he came back after all.

One day, Tsuna ran into a group of delinquents asking some guy for money. He looked at them in disgust.

"Hey you! What are you looking at?" One of the delinquents called out.

"You guys are purely…pathetic." He said. "Beating people up for money? How despicable.”

"What did you say?" Insulted, the other delinquent aimed to punch Tsuna. Tsuna caught the delinquent’s punch and effortlessly crumpled the hand like it was some piece of worthless paper.

"I'm the last person you should be messing with." He glared at the group.

The delinquents grew intimidated and considered Tsuna as a threat.

"Why you...!" Another delinquent made a move to punch him.

Tsuna once again caught the punch with his freehand and crumpled the delinquent’s hand.

"So you were saying?" He asked as he pushed them back against the wall.

Seeing how their friends got beat up, the other delinquents ran away in fear of being next. All the money they got from the guy fell on the floor. Tsuna picked it up and returned it to the guy. The remaining delinquents were in too much pain to talk.

"If I’m not mistaken, this is yours." He said to the guy.

"Ye-yes… Thank you." The guy received it and just stared at Tsuna in amazement.

A lot of students saw the whole thing. The news of Tsuna effortlessly beating up the notorious group of delinquents instantaneously spread throughout the school campus.

As days went by, more and more people approached Tsuna.

The more he hung out with them, the less time he spent with Kyoko

I love you, Goodbye [TsunaxKyoko] 2795Where stories live. Discover now