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Culture's POV:
You couldn't wait until Crash came home. He's been in the mental hospital for nearly 2 days. Christmas was coming up in less than a week, and you were so grateful that Crash had been dismissed on the 19th.

Crash's POV:
It was all going to plan. That was until the party. Culture had planned a Christmas/Homecoming celebration, but the events that happened there were unexpected.

☆time skip☆

Culture's POV:
We held hands, anxiously squeezing as we waited for midnight... 23:59:58...59... 00:00:00 "EVERYBODY CELEBRATE, IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" Crash exclaimed. "And it's an extra special one for you, Crash..." you quietly added. But loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Everyone created a big semi-circle around you two, exactly as planned. You two were under the mistletoe as well. You graceful descended to one knee.

"Crash, you are a beautiful person and there are so many reasons I love you..." you began. You took a deep breath. "There are many things I like in a person; kind, caring, funny, witty, smart, cute smile, adorable laugh, puppy eyes, a dreamer, someone who will do their best at everything... and you have every trait that I just listed and more; amplified by 420 billion... and that makes me love a person to bits."

Crashed blushed so much, you thought he turned into a tomato.

"And... I want to spend all my life with you... so... Crash... will you marry me?"

His expression told me the answer before he said it.

"Yes, Culture! Of course I will marry you!" he exclaimed in joy.

The crowd cheered loudly as you stood up and kissed Crash.

Now that is what you call a Christmas present.

The Pain Feels Right {Culture x Crash Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now