Chapter 6

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After my odd little episode with Percy (I still cant figure out what I was doing with him by the Lockers) I started getting ready for Seattle. After a day and a half we are leaving! I am packed and ready to go. We are going to go to a couple museums and, of course, the space needle. The school even made reservations on the elevator!


Well Sh*t. I am officially screwed. I have had nightmares every night for the past week and we are leaving today. TODAY! I do not know what I am going to do. 

they started to read our rooms...

"blah blah blah... Percy (Oh! I should listen to this one!) and Andrew, Room 402. Emma and Ashley, Room 404.

"Yes!" I whisper screamed, "We are right next to each other!"

and them I thought about the floor. 402, fourth floor. That means an elevator every day, unless I take the stairs. Crap.

"Lets get on those stairs folks!" our teacher shouted. I was immediately pushed onto the bus and into an old fading blue seat. 


"come on guys, lets take the stairs." I said, trying to convince my friends. 

"Oh Percy, We have our bags. We can't" Oh gods, I thought to myself. What am I going to do. We began to climb onto the elevator and I could start to see the flashbacks coming on.


I am sharing a room with Percy! I just hope he doesn't kill me. Ha ha, naw I am kiddin' , I think. 

It started on the elevator, his face lost all color, I could see beads of sweat making trails down his face, His eyes scrunched open and closed, open and closed, his breathing hasted. 

What happened to the Percy we knew?

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