The Job, The New Friend, and The 1st Encounter With Mountain Bandits

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   ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made-up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own. I'm editing the chapters. Here is the edited version of chapter 2. I feel like it's better than the original. Let me know what you think.***

Chapter 2: The Job, The New Friend, and The 1st Encounter with Mountain Bandits

"Can I come in?" Cassia's voice crooned, knocking on my door, venturing into my room once I replied, perching on the edge of my bed, and a flash of melancholy emerged into her eyes as she grabbed my hands, "Jay was in an accident...he didn't make it."

"What?" I uttered, dropping the pencil I was holding, my eyes widening, and my brain wasn't processing what she said.

"Dylan called me. They came out of the movie theatre. Jay noticed a little girl was going to be struck by a car. He pushed the little girl out of the way." Cassia explained, tugging me into her chest, wrapping her arms around me, resting her chin against my head, and running her fingers through my hair as I sobbed, "He died on the way to the hospital."

I haven't had a dream about Jay in ages. I thought, bolting upright in bed, breathing-shakily, and unconsciously-clutching the jade-dragon necklace.

"Rise and shine, Chi." Shanks chirped, rapping his knuckles against the door, and holding his bleeding nose as I slammed the door in his face, "We'll be at the island in 10 minutes...GAA!!"

"I'm never gonna get rid of that nickname am I?" I deadpanned, slamming the door in his face, shutting the door closed, and changing.

"You were asking for that, Cap." Yasopp howled-in-laughter, smacking the table with his hands, sliding over a plate towards me as I sat down beside him on the table-outside, and giving me a high-five, "Nice one, Shortstack."

"Thanks, Yasopp." I grinned, high-fiving him back, and eating the delicious berries.

"HOW COME YOU'RE NICE TO HIM BUT NOT ME?!!" Shanks whined, pointing-accusingly at Yasopp, and sulking like a child.

"He's not a Man-Child." I intoned-dryly, shoving another blueberry into my mouth, and side-eyeing Shanks.

"PREPARE TO DOCK!!" Limejuice hollered, leaning over the crow's nest, jumping down, and joining the others in tying the rope to the dock.

I've always wanted to visit new places. I thought, finishing my breakfast, rushing to the railing, gazing out at sea, and my eyes sparkling in awe.

"Come on, Chi." Shanks grinned, lifting me up onto his shoulders, following his crew down the wooden-slab (they are using it as a ramp to get onto islands and back onto the ship), and heading into the village.

"PUT ME DOWN YA OLD FART!!" I exclaimed, hitting my fists against his head before stopping, my face bright-red in embarrassment as I noticed the villagers glancing at our group, and puffing my cheeks out, Is this how having a dad feels like?

"OI, MAKINO!!" Hongo greeted, walking into Patty's Bar, and waving at a green-haired bar-maid.

"It's been a while since you guys last visited." Makino noted, smiling-cheerfully, standing behind the counter, filling up mugs of beer for the crew, landing her eyes on Shanks, and noticing me on his shoulders, "Who's the cutie."

"This is Chi." Shanks introduced, setting me down, sticking his tongue-out at me, and ruffling my hair, "We found her floating in the water on our way here."

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