Chapter Rewrite

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Over the next 2 weeks, Ace had tried assassinating Whitebeard (failing epically) 105 times so far. At 1st the whole crew were prepared to attack Ace, but they realized after the 50th failed attempt at murder that Pops could handle Ace. The crew even joked about getting a scoreboard up to keep track of Ace trying to kill Pops.

Meanwhile, I've been patiently waiting until Ace seeks his revenge against me for doodling on his face. So far he has yet to strike, which has me unnerved.

Maybe he's distracted by wanting to take Whitebeard's head that he forgot? I thought, scratching Shadow as I passed her, (she was curled up on my bed in her snow-leopard kitten form), walking into the shower after dinner, shrugging my shoulders, washing my hair, trudging back to bed, and falling asleep, Yeah right. That Flame-Brain is too stubborn to forget something that easily.

Sometime during the night, I got woken up by Ace being flung into the ocean...again by Pops (who was so used to Ace attempting to kill him at night that he didn't even have to wake up to fight Ace anymore...)

Shadow was used to me jumping into the ocean in the middle of the night to save Ace that she didn't even wake up when I ran out of the room anymore.

I swear one of these days, I'm gonna let that Dumbass drown I thought, sprinting out of my room, tossing off my night-shirt, vaulting over the railing, diving under the water, swimming towards Ace, tugging him back towards the ship, tossing him onto the deck, and nudging him with my foot onto his side, Damn, Pops chucked him pretty far this time.

Sadly, I had to save that Idijit's life enough times now that I started wearing a bra to bed.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU? ATTACKING SOMEONE WHILE THEY'RE SLEEPING? IT'S PATHETIC!!" I berated, wringing the water out of my hair, barring my teeth at him, a tick-mark appeared on my head, kicking him so he'd cough up the water, and slipping on the long-T-shirt that I was wearing as PJ's (it was one of Ace's shirts), "THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M JUMPING IN THE WATER AFTER YOU! NEXT TIME, YOU CAN SAVE YOUR OWN ASS!"

That's what she says everytime, but she still jumps in to save him... all the crewmembers thought, huge sweatdrops appeared on their head, and attempting to fall back to sleep, "SERIOUSLY GET A ROOM, YOU TWO!"

"SHUT UP!" Ace and I screeched, barring our teeth, faint blush on our cheeks, glaring at each other, sending sparks at each other, and stomping off into different directions, "STOP COPYING ME, DAMMIT!!!"

The following week Ace had strike his revenge against me. I had woken up covered in a flour-mayonnaise-whipped-cream-goop. Meanwhile, Ace was still trying to murder Whitebeard. It gotten to the point where the crew actually bought a small chalkboard to count the attempts Ace had tried killing Whitebeard. Presently, the number is at 500.

Make that 501 I thought dryly, rinsing my hair out for the 20th time, taking a shower to get rid of the goop out of my hair, hearing a gigantic splash outside, finally getting the disgusting goop out of my hair, stepping out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself, changing into my clothes, shuffling towards the dining area, grabbing breakfast, and sitting down beside Jozu, I finally got that repulsive goop out of my hair.

"Ace never learns." Rakuyo snickered softly, seeing Haruta bring Ace back onto the deck, and shaking his head in amusement, "What is this? His 500th attempt now?"

"By the tally marks on the chalkboard, it's his 501 attempts, actually." Atmos corrected, resting his elbow on the table, and smirking in hilarity, "You would think he would give up by now."

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