My personality

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I um... Ok.. I'm very very shy IRL. Anyways, I'm stubborn, a fuckin' rebel and a total pervert. I daydream a lot and I read too many lemons. I rarely show any emotions, but fear and happiness. I'm optimist and I get weird sometimes. I have high motivation and motivate others without meaning to. I always think about life, what death is, and how we we're made. I'm religious just not that much, as a few of you know. I'm never athletic but I love dancing when no ones home. I get annoyed easily. I get annoyed by: too much talking, skinny people, people who cuss too much, people who are innocent, relearning shit I know, girls, make-up, drama, sass, people who say sex and gender are the fucking same, boys who are annoying or won't let you do anything, Teachers, rules, and a whole bunch more. I am very clingy and love staying with my friends. I say I'm not funny and people say I'm too serious at times. I love violence, rape, and torture. I have no cavities but I don't brush my teeth... My ex said I'm good at French kissing so... hit me up~ anyway that's a summary of me...

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