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Hey guys! I'm making a book that filled with thank you notes to people that follow me and the people I'm following! I could make multiple letters for multiple people... maybe even just random ones! I needed to know if this was a good idea... I just thought it would be a great way to thank you for a follow or just to say how grateful I am. I just thought it would be nice to have.. and I would love to make them too! If you thing that they're going to be short... I;m going to make sure they're at least more than 100 words long. It won't be too long, unless I wanna lol. Plus Saeran Willa so be making notes too. You guys could even requests notes, and make me notes too. I could even make handwritten ones if you like, lel. I always loved notes, and I just think it would be a grand idea! Plus it just feels nice when someone notices you.

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