Ever so tragic backstory

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Author Pov-

Our scene opens up on a small developing town called London. There were small cottages and family owned stores and one large tower being built, the queen had hired the clock maker  to make a giant clock so everyone could tell what time it was. Going north of the clock on the outskirts of the town there is a small farm house, home to a farmer, his wife and their 3 children and niece. The family had 2 handsome boys and one lovely daughter and the niece of who's mother and father died of the plague. The two sons, James and Liam, were put to work when they weren't being given the best education they could afford. The daughter, Margaret is being raised as a proper young lady her father and mother parading her around and buying her expensive outfits hoping to catch the eye of wealthy suitors. Then there was the niece, y/n she wasn't paraded around like her "sister" because the farmer and his wife didn't think she would find a suitor. Y/n wasn't put to work on the farm because she wasn't thought to be strong enough, so she spent most of her days sewing any rips in her "mother" and "sister" clothing. It wasn't all bad though for y/n had made friends with one of the neighbors children, a short and round little boy named Felix. The two were basically inseparable and could always be found in the fields or forest outside the town but slowly the they grew up and the boy, who was now 17 had to leave his friend behind to join the army. Leaving a devastated 15 year old young lady by the name of y/n behind.

Y/n Pov-

"Why?" I asked again with a pout although I already knew his answer.

"To keep everyone safe. There's a war heading this way and I need to join our army to stop them from coming here to you." My best friend said while bopping my nose before returning to pack up his things.

"Well why can't I come?" I asked.

"Because you're a girl and girls can't fight," I glare at him. "Or so they think. I however know that you're just as strong as any boy and could hold your own in a fight." He says winking at me before looking back down at his clothes and shoving a few more things into his bag. The cart that's supposed to take the boys to the military base is waiting out in the courtyard by the clock tower.

"You sure there's nothing I can do to get you to stay?" I ask again fully knowing that nothing I say would persuade him.

"Sorry (nickname n/n) but I have to go. But if," he stoped grabbing the ring his father George had gave him off his finger and fiddling with it in his had. He looked up at me again "y/n I want you to take this as a promise that I'll come back to you and we'll be together again and dance in the field like we do. I promise I'll make you happy, if you can just wait for me?" His usual smiling face was now slightly dusted pink.

"Of course I'll wait for you." I said wrapping my arms around him, he returned my hug and then let go. He handed me the ring and placed a small kiss on my forehead. A blush passed over my face. He's only kissed me a few times but every time my heart seems to flutter in my chest. Then he grabbed my hand to lead me outside towards the tower to say our goodbyes. As soon as the cart came into sight I couldn't hold in my tears anymore, as silent tears streamed down my face Felix turned around. Looking around I noticed all the other boys saying their goodbyes to their families and friends. But all Felix had was me and all I had was him, and I was losing him. His smile faltered before it returned as he hugged me again.

"It will be alright y/n." He whispered while holding me close to him.

"Promise to write?" I choked out.

"Everyday." He said before releasing from the hug as the cart driver hollered at him to get on. He grabbed my hand before kiss it then he turned at got on the cart, once he was seated he turned to me again. I waved at him as I whipped some tears from my eyes. The cart began to pull away.

"See you soon!" I yelled after him. He turned back to face me.

"See you soon!" He yelled back, we never said goodbye because goodbye meant going away and going away meant forgetting.

Thanks for reading!
I'll update soon!
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