Be you, be true, afterall beauty is only skin deep©

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Hey guys, speaking about beauty now. This is a really strong topic that is sooo important to me. So I hope you get something from this😇

   The Oxford dictionary says that beauty is a beautiful woman or a fine specimen or a combination of qualities that give pleasure to the sight or other senses or the mind.
    I would agree with the last one because to me beauty is the good qualities we find in people that make up who they are as individuals of course the physical matters can be important not not too much😎
    Often when it comes to the superficial ideas of beauty females are put on the spot but males do it too. Muscles, height, length, weight, figure etc. Are the so called factors of beauty but we should focus on embracing the true you and your true identity. A beautiful person is not afraid to show his/ her's true self.
     No matter how much makeup or surgeries or implants we do your true " skin" is still there, you'll only be a sheep in wolf's clothing trying to be fierce😬 You should want people to love you for your personality AND look not just your body!
        So embrace. These surgeons don't make you, they break you! Search within yourself to find things that make you beautiful, things that were always there.

"Think on these things"

Plz check out my book: Green Grass Problems-Never Better as well as Sassy Savage Disses

Thank you XOXO

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