Arent we all hypocrites?

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Luke 18: 11-12
"The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself' God, I  thank you that I am not like other men next pertain era, unjust,adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I I've tithes of all that I possess.

These were the words of a hypocritical Pharisee who believed he was better than other people. He was speaking of other's wrongdoings and not his own. God is the judge of our souls so we can leave all the judging to him. We acknowledge people as hypocrites and preach against it but aren't we all hypocrites?
       Take into consideration the fact that most people will persecute others for caring too much  about the outward appearance but what they don't realize is that most, if not all,of us  do that. I know I'm guilty of it.
        Think of your best friend only with buff teeth, bushy eyebrows, very short hair and other assumed unappealing features would you guys be in the same friendship ranking that you are in now?😱 or would you assume the worst of him/ her because if the outer appearance?
         When you get a crush on someone, let's say a guy. The first thing you would notice is his charming smile or bulky muscles and later you MIGHT search enough to figure out his personality. Most nerdy or "ugly" looking guys don't get crushed on unless someone takes the time to dig into their personality since the looks "aren't good enough". I don't think this will ever stop, at least for now maybe but we can try to think before we judge a person for being human. We all judge, lie or overreact sometimes don't be a jerk about it BC you probably do it too. I think we can all be hypocrites and I think we all need to stop.

" Think on these things"

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