Detintion and realization

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     "You're in my seat." He repeated as I just stared up at him. It was the same boy who gave me my schedule, and had shown me to this class, but why didn't he tell me we had the same class. I had enough of his bipolar behavior. One minute he was giving me attitude. Then the next minute he is whispering in my ear and winking at me. Now he's standing in front of me demanding me to move.

"I think there's an empty seat right next to me." I stated coolly looking back down at my notebook and opening it.

"Yes, and that is where you are going to move to." He replied with anger almost.

"That's enough you two." Barked Mr. Baps. "Now Mr. Parking seeing as though you are 8 minutes late to my class you will take the only available seat left. Next to Ms. Walker. Oh, and on your way to your new seat feel free to make a detour to my desk for a detention slip." Mr. Baps declared. Rolling his eyes the guy, who's last name I know now to be Parker, turned around and walks up to the front of the class to grab a purple paper identical to mine. Good I though at least he gets detention for his actions. I sat back in my chair preparing to take notes, considering everyone else in the class has been her for months and knows at least a little of what's going on.


The rest of the day was kinda boring. I sat by Nathan in 5th and had Parker in my 7th period. Considering I still don't know his name I decided to call him Parker for the time being.

I went to my locker putting my stuff away. When Nathan approached me. Fiddling with his hair trying to pat it down, but then realized it wasn't working so just ran his finger through all his brown hair messing it up even more.

"You ready to go?" He asked. Searching my as if the answer to his question was in them.

"Goddamn it Nathan, why didn't you let me drive myself? Now I don't have a ride home." I complained to him remembering I had detention.

"What do you mean I can take you home?" He stated confused at my behavior. Realizing why he was confused I had to explain myself.

"No dude, I have detention for an hour, meaning I don't have a ride now." I whined at him.

"Oh." He simply said looking into my eyes for an answer yet again. "Since it's my fault," he continued. "I'll come pick you back up in an hour. It's no big deal." He said as if he was doing me a huge favor. Ignoring the fact that it's his fault I'm without a car.

"No." I stated, but when I did he looked sad as if he'd just lost something. "It's fine I can walk I don't live too far away anyways. You know that. Just remind me never let you convince me to not take my car again."

"Will do." He uttered refusing to make eye contact. "If you change your mind and need a ride just call me." He says looking down.

"I don't even have your number." I indicated. Seconds later he took my phone from my grasp and typed his number in.

"Than-" I started to say but was cut off.

"Well isn't this adorable, Nathan here finally getting himself a girl." I turned around and saw Parker. Since he butted in our conversation I assumed he must have been listening. If he wasn't so attractive I might have told him to screw off but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to speak the words. He ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair as he approached us coming closer.

"Hate to break it to you Nat, but the odds of this lasting are very slim." He announced to Nathan as my eyes grew confused trying to figure out their past together. There had to be a past. He couldn't just be this rude for no reason, but why had Nathan not mentioned something when we were in the office this morning. Come to think of it does he really need to mention it to me. It's not like it just fit in the conversation.

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