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The Doctor opened his eyes slowly, despite his curiosity to see where the bracelet had taken him. The sudden flash of light, the feeling of loosing grip to space as soon as the jewel had touched his bare skin had been an indicator. The item was a travel device. A powerful one with that. The dizziness the Gallifreyan was a sign that he had left the planet. He was standing in front of a bookshelf full of books and documents. A smile blossomed on the time traveller's lips as his eyes caught titles written in Greek, Latin, Italian, French, English... He suddenly knew that he was back on Earth. The air smelled of old papers and wood, the usual fragrance in a library. There were two other perfumes too. The Doctor turned around, realising that he was not alone. Indeed, a strange couple was staring at him in surprise.

There was something odd about those two. A white haired man, with a wrinkled face indicating that he was in his late 60s in human age seemed however much older, infinitely older. The same could be said about his female companion despite the fact that she looked young. Her features expressed a mix of fear and surprise.

"Nothing to worry about," happily said the Doctor. "I was merely hoping to escape a gang of unfriendly aliens and a rather terminal fate. I shall be on my way and leave you to whatever you were doing when I interrupted you."

He looked around, wondering where he was exactly. The place looked strangely familiar with the huge table set in the centre of the room, the papers covering it and the big clipping book.

When he saw it, the time traveller realised where he was. And at that precise moment, Jenkins realised who the visitor was. His face darkened instantly.

"As if I didn't have enough to worry about," he mumbled before he pointed a hand toward the Doctor and started casting a spell.

"Oh no, please, don't do that again!"

The Gallifreyan's memories about the place were foggy, but he knew that the spell the old man was about to cast on him was going to be all but enjoyable for him. In fact, the Doctor was just starting to remember details about the place and its occupants.

"Please, Judson, I swear I came in peace. Actually, I can even swear that I had no knowledge that I would end up in the Library."

"How did you call me?" asked Jenkins, interrupting the spell in the process.

"Judson. That's still your name, right? And you must be the Librarian," said the Doctor, smiling to the girl.

There was something about her. He couldn't explain why but he felt strangely attracted to her, something he had never felt that strongly before. And as soon as he realised it, he decided that he should be concerned.

He started walking around the room, resting his eyes on every object of interest. He was about to reach a strange device set in a globe and plugged into a door, but was stopped by Jenkins who blocked his way.

"I must say, it's about time the Library reached for me," continued the Doctor. "I always found it surprising and should I say frustrating that it never considered me a suitable Librarian. After all, I am the perfect candidate, wouldn't you agree?"

Jenkins didn't have a chance to reply. Before he could understand what was happening, his female companion had reached for the time traveller's hand. The fearful expression had vanished from her face. She seemed overwhelmed with emotion, for no apparent reason.

Silence fell on the room.

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