The Girl" ? In my cliché 'mirror' ? What did she mean , in my mirror "what do i see?" I see me. What else could I possibly see. -class assignment
No time for the TODO's. Not that there is no time for priorities. Hidden through history, this became an excuse! We occupy our mind with what we deem "priority". What consumes your mind controls your life. The things that control your life end up consuming your mind. Side note: it's important to trip yourself up sometimes so that you don't get brain fucked without a condom. EDUCATE YOURSELF. The brain is more advanced than we may ever realize.
Personally, I could do a systematic task every day & not notice simple details. For example, every single school day I use my binder in attempt to keep organized. My subject folders are color coordinated. First, blue, orange, yellow and red lastly. While in deed, i flip through these subjects 10 or 20 times a day, I would never be able to memorize the color for each subject.
Of course, when I come to asking when, where, why, what type questions it is always followed by my own interpretation to answer "why?"
My theory is evident. Most likely answered by some other smarty. I believe the mind is more complex than God more complex than a female with a bipolar attitude?
My theory; What is focused on is remembered. What consumes the mind is what is consumed.
Wait. What? You ain't even understand that. So, allow elaboration. Forgetfulness is not a trait attained by a irresponsible person, yet the act of forgetfulness is due to rapid thought......
It is kind of difficult conjuring an explanation for something you know nothing about. Could it be that when an idea is brought upon the mind that idea is unable to be forgotten while everything else becomes impossible to recall. The more one puts an emphasis into a thing, the more something else drifts into the distance. If negative is all, then positive shall never be just. If happy is your forever emotion, negative is known as bliss. Simple as black and white. Actually. Black. White. Far more than simple. The conjunction of water. What is a color? What is not a color? What makes these colors colored? Yoo, who made these damn rules? People get ideas so strong! They reapportion their ideas to others making others their consensus. Boundaries and law only gerrymander. Cause a division but divide it with an invisible white line.
The earth. If I was whippin' on a boat with plots to invade a country, any boundary what would I see at these "boundaries"? How will I know they are there. Perhaps throughout Christopher Columbus' sails he encountered many large signs in the sea that read STOP THIS IS A BOUNDARY. no dumb fucks. I hate people! There would be nothing at this so called "boundary". The mere thing there would be more land. So what does this mean? Someone decided on where a country ends, where it begins. Decided who is allowed and what is expected. Well based on what information. Who died and made you king of anything. A gerrymandering limit is set for how far one can refer to California as a part of the United States. You get an idea in mind and force on this idea so particular that it becomes real. Most of the time the idea isn't true, real, or fact. The world is square bitch. Focus is my point, at least I think it is. Concentration. Meditation. Condensation. Medication. Word play