Hi! This is another ptx fanfic (lol) because right now I'm obsessed with one of their songs. Hahaha I hope you enjoy!
Dankuuuuuu bye!
I sat on my couch eating a bag of chips. Mmmm... Doritos... I looked at the screen blankly, I never pay attention to commercials! Suddenly, a commercial came on and I was snapped back into reality. It was a Lucky Charms commercial. I recognized the voices of the cartoon singers on the screen. It was pentatonix! Only my favorite band EVER!
"Mike!" My roommate yelled. "Where are my Doritos?" Oops.
"Golly gee Brett! I have no idea!" I replied in a cartoony voice. Brett stormed in.
"What have I told you about not eating my food?"
"Dude, chill! There's still half the bag."
"I don't care how much is left! We've gone over this too many times! DONT TOUCH MY GODDAMN FOOD!" There was a silence. I put another chip in my mouth.
And that is how I got kicked out of my apartment by my roommate. Personally, I think he over-reacted.
I thought back to the commercial and put some earbuds in and listened to 'Show you how to love'. I hummed along, thinking of places to stay. I decided on a nearby hotel, it was nice, yet affordable.
At some point, Brett would forgive me, right? It was just a stupid bag of chips anyways.
I jumped on the hotel bed and turned on the tv. I turned it up, why was it so quiet? I got a knock in my door.
"Excuse me?" A mans voice said through the wood, "Can you turn that down?"
I turned it down one notch.
"I'm not leaving until its quiet enough that I can sleep."
I sighed. I went to the door to speak to this guy. I didn't want to turn my tv down, and he couldn't make me!
I swung the door open. Mitch Grassi, THE Mitch Grassi, stood on the other side looking pissed.
"Holy crap! I know you!" I laughed. He wasn't amused. "You're mitch from ptx, right?"
"Yes. Turn down your tv?" He was kinda grumpy.
"Fine..." We stood there awkwardly for a second. "I'm mike by the way!"
"Well l mike, I should go now. Goodnight!" He turned and left. I shut my door and turned my tv down. He was hotter than I thought. Not to mention shorter... Did I mention I'm gay? Yup, homo and proud!
I shut the tv off and thought about him for a while. Not in a sexual way, but more a snuggling cuddly way.
Mitch's POV
"Why is that tv so loud?" Scott mumbled from his bed. We had been trying to sleep for a long time, and things kept interrupting. The jet lag was killing us!
"I'll tell them to turn it down." I said drowsily as I slowly pried myself off the soft mattress.
I could easily tell what room it was coming from. After telling whoever was in there to shut up, a tall, toned man opened the door and looked down at me. He had round dark-blue eyes and spiked blond hair. I could tell he was shocked when he saw me, and its always nice to meet fans, but I was exhausted. I was a little short with him, and probably seemed like a jerk, but he didn't seem to take it personal.
"I'm mike by the way," he said in a deep, rumbly voice. I resisted the urge to smile and left quickly, feeling guilty about the way I acted.
I literally collapsed on my bed, and fell right asleep.