The Dangerous Group

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My cheek heated up because of the slam against the wall but it got cooled down because of the same reason, the tiles were quite cold.

I felt hands roaming around my body, it felt like I was searched at the airport which happened twice this month. "clear" some stranger took a step back from me after he found nothing. Of course no one was smart enough to check my shoe, I can never go anywhere without pocket knife.

"What is so interesting about this shortie" the same guy that searched me got the guts to piss me off but I only clenched my jaw. The strength was uneven. I was one and they were eight. I counted them as soon I turned around.

I froze and gripped on my backpack, my feet were tensed up ready to run at any moment. My eyes focused once again on that guy. His gaze appeared to be emotionless but there was... there was some kind of spark.

 "Well if you have no business with me I will just head back home" I pointed towards the street with my thumb as I was about to swing that way but as soon I turned my head to side a tile was thrown before my eyes and smashed against the wall, forcing me to step back so I would avoid getting dirt into my eye.

That was close. To the point it was scary. The guy who threw it was no other but my blonde haired classmate. His expression was hard to read I did not know what to expect from him. He was completely unpredictable and what happened next proved my point.

"You punched this guy's younger brother" Yoongi pointed at the taller man. He wore loose shirt and jeans yet I still could still imagine how muscular the man was underneath those clothes. His mass was way different than mine and he glared at me as much as the blonde guy did however the effect was way different on me. "You two should fight to be even" Yoongi spoke with some kind of attitude shown in his tone however I couldn't understand more.

Shivers ran up my spine no matter how hard it was to imagine, it happened, I had a very bad feeling and Yoongi's eyes looked straight at my soul as if he was forming a hole there.

 "Now?" I fixed my now crooked glasses, it happened like that because of earlier action against the wall. I tried to act cool even though I knew that I had no chances against that guy.

Seunghyun's brother looked like he was ready to give me a punch in the face any time now and I just glanced back at Yoongi. Were they serious? I was confused but then I got knocked down.

Fuck. Karma.

I groaned and glared at the tough looking guy, my brain couldn't process correctly. What should I be doing? Kick him? Punch him? Run? That was on my to do list but those assholes had me trapped in the corner.

I saw how the tall guy threw his leg back, ready to kick me with full power, probably until my ribs would become broken or I cough out blood. It depend if they were a big deal or not. I jumped up immediately, my glasses stayed on the cold floor. It was useless to try to pick it back up.

Yoongi looked at me amusingly. He had this smirk on his lips but I had no time to scan him since the man in front was more threatening than the colorful tiger. How bothersome...

I kicked with all my strength on the other's knee. It probably got dislocated and I really regretted that. City was a scary place compared to the town I lived in.

"I- I don't want any troubles" everyone were glaring at me and I panicked. I didn't know what to do, one man was okay to deal with... but bunch of them was definitely a threat.

I couldn't hide my scared expression. I was sweating and now my both cheeks were heating up though I didn't really care at that moment, all I had in head was one thought. How to escape.

"You guys are fucking scary I'm out" I gulped as I grabbed on my backpack and tried to slip away. The men pushed me back and I sighed loudly, my gaze automatically fixed on the blonde haired one's.

Why? I had no idea but he seemed so fucking amused that I hoped he would let me go for that day.

I choose to play dirty since those gangsters didn't seem to leave me alone any time soon, so I just pushed Seunghyun's scary brother away and just ran as fast as I could. I knew that it wasn't right to act so rough towards a person I injured but I wasn't sure how far things would go if I stayed. The atmosphere kept getting darker and darker.

I ran towards the crowd with hopes I could blend in and I did thanks to my dyed hair. Even if few guys tried to chase me, I lost them.

I had quick legs and I thanked them about ten times in my head on my way back. It wasn't that I was some lame, weak guy. I just knew that eight guys were hard to deal with by myself.

I rushed back home. It took a while since I wasn't used to the streets in Korea I ended up wondering around from park to park until I found my street but I made it.

I took my key out to unlock the door of my apartment, the chain besides it was a fluffy fox tail. It was a last present I got from my grandmother so it automatically became my special charm.

When I finally entered my place it was already dark outside, I could hear dogs barking and few cars passing by. It was dark and quiet inside too until my hand didn't reach for the switch to turn on the lights.

I understood. I was all alone in the big world and got in totally big mess while I tried to keep it low. I went straight to shower with deep thoughts and plans how to start another day.

I wished that I could just simply erase someone like Yoongi since he got in my way. I didn't want to become bad guy but bumping into him and his gang might end up making me look like one.

I got sick of being recognised as some criminal.

Just like that I looked up at the ceiling once I was in my bed. My room wasn't big yet with all those boxes in the corner it gave an illusion of it.

I didn't pretend for any longer. I wasn't the type to think all night, I gave few thoughts of what happened earlier and just like that I passed out.

Morning came ether way no matter if I wanted that or not. It was just the way world ticked. And so I had to face reality once again.

I buttoned my shirt and put on a black uniform of the school I attended. When I finished I found some porridge in the pot, some evidence that my mother was home while I was sleeping soundly and then left once again before I woke up.

Without fixing my messy bed hair I sat down and had my breakfast, there was enough porridge for lunch too so I didn't have to think about that for the rest of the day.

Everything went smoothly but then I entered the classroom. More than half of my classmates stared at me with quite surprised eyes and I didn't understand why.

Did someone talk about what happened after school the other day? It was my first guess but then Ji Yeon approached me. "Why everyone are staring at me so much?" I asked bluntly without hitting the bushes like normal people do before they finally ask what they truly want.

"Well you look handsome so everyone are staring at you, it was hard to see with your glasses on" And  then it shot me. I dropped my glasses on streets.

"Oh yeah that's why I can't see that well" I fake laughed and tried to hide my face with my hand, in other situations with my bangs. But no matter how hard I tried girls decided to scan my face features carefully and the guys just glared in jealousy and to think I hoped I would at least make fake friends. Plans went on hold.

"Why does our newbie need fake glasses?" The colorful tiger turned my way from his seat. the fact that the guy in front only glared at me day before and now he managed to actually pick a fight with me meant one thing. I fucked up.

To be continued.

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