Paul Lahote Imagine

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For Mrs_Bucky_Barnes_

I hope you enjoy this story, cause I stressed myself writing this haha! I've had such writers block lately, but still loved writing it. Enjoy!!!

Paul's POV

My heart was pounding as we made our way into the snow covered field. I knew what was about to go down, no matter how much Sam talked us up, I knew. A lot of us were probably about to die. Stupid bloodsuckers. Why couldn't they just stick to their stupid castle and leave Renesmee and her sister alone so that we could all live in peace. 'Stay back until I say so' I heard Sam say to us wolves as the Cullens and company made their way to the field. We'd been training for this "possible" fight for about a month now. Sam had kept telling us that it wasn't going to end in a fight but I knew better. My heart began to pound faster as the Cullen family came into my view. 'What's going on with me' I thought, I'd seen the Cullens before. The feeling got more and more intense as I looked at the family. I saw a small young girl clinging to Bella as they made their way to the middle of the big crowd of witnesses. 'That must be Renesmee' I thought, I hadn't actually got to meet the Cullen twins yet since we've been keeping watch on them from the woods. I just knew from Jake that Renesmee and Ariana looked completely opposite each other. Renesmee looked like Bella, so Ariana must look like Edward. I looked around to see if I could spot the other mini vamp.

That's when it hit me. 'Oh' I thought. That's why I felt to weird. It's her. She had to be the most beautiful creature I'd ever laid eyes on. The small girl stood clinging to her mother and father's hand. Bronze collard hair down to the middle of her back, pink cheeks and bright green eyes. The prettiest eyes I'd ever seen. I wanted to be near her, to protect her form all this. From these freaks who were on their way to try and kill her. 'Stand your ground Paul' I heard Sam say, I looked over to meet his dark eyes, he knew what was going on. I'd imprinted. I looked over to Edward, had he heard? His eyes stayed straight as he waited for the Volturi to show up. Maybe I'd gotten away with it. My eyes stayed on the small vampire until an unfamiliar smell hit me. They're here. 'This should be fun' I thought.


I cant believe they just left. Without a fight. Without ending a few lives. Everyone around me was celebrating. Couples were kissing and cheering. Edward and Bella were embracing their daughters. I wanted to be over there. I wanted to be near her. I'd never experienced this feeling before. It wasn't a romantic one, I knew that for sure, but it was something. How has Edward not heard me yet? "I was waiting until they were gone" Edward said looking back at me "I know". Bella and the two girls looked at him questioningly. I wished I could switch back to human form so I could explain myself to them but since I didn't have any clothes with me, that wasn't an option right now. Edward made his way back to me, Sam stepped closer to me. 'He's gonna kill me' I thought, why else would Sam be trying to protect me right now. Edward stopped walking when he made his way in front of me. "I'm not going to hurt you Paul" he said, I looked up at him "I couldn't very well except Jacob and not you" he said with a straight face. I could tell he wasn't exactly okay with this, but he was trying to be.

"What's going on?" Bella asked "He imprinted on Ariana" Edward said without looking away form my face. 'It's not in the way that you think' I thought to him, Edward nodded "I know" he said and smiled slightly. Maybe everything was going to be okay.



The beach was so beautiful at sunset. The sky all different colors of blue, pink and orange. Reflecting off the water in a way that made it hard to see where the sky began and the water ended. "It's so beautiful out here" I said earning a smile from Paul, who was walking beside me, holding my hand tightly. "You are beautiful" he said looking over at me, I just smiled and rolled my eyes, trying to hide the blush taking over my face "shut up" I mumbled. It had become an every day thing for us to walking the beach together, it was our favorite place to go. "I love you, you know" Paul said, I smiled and leaned my head down on his warm shoulder "I love you to Pauly" I said. "I went and talked with your Dad today" Paul said after a moment of quiet, I looked over at him curiously "why?" I asked "I need to ask him something". I didn't have any idea what Paul would have to ask my father. I mean they got along well, but Paul only talked to my Dad when he had to. "I asked him if it would be okay for me to ask you to merry me" Paul said, breaking me out of my brief day dream "what?" I asked. Paul got down on one knee, my heart felt like it stopped "oh my gosh". "I love you Ariana, I have from the second I met you. I want to spend forever with you" he said softly before reaching into the pocket of his shorts and pulling our a small red velvet box. 

I could feel the tears in my eyes as he opened the small box to reveal the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen. "This was my grandmother's ring" he said "Ariana Cullen, will you merry me?". I could feel the blush on my face and the stupid smile that was plastered across my lips but for the first time in my life I didn't care. I loved this boy, I had for as long as I could remember. "Yes" I said, the tears finally falling from my eyes "I'd love to merry you". Paul smiled from ear to ear as he slipped the ring onto my finger. As soon as the ring was on I tackled Paul down into the sand, landing on top of him with a slight thud. He just laughed. "I cant wait to merry you Mrs. Lahote" he said quietly, moving hair out of my face "I cant wait either Mr. Lahote" I said back before leaning down to connect out lips. I was going to merry my best friend in the whole world. Nothing could ever make me happier.

I know that this isn't my best work but I thought it was kinda cute so I hope you like it ❤



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