Pregnancy Part 1: Finding Out You're Pregnant (Paul Lahote Series)

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For Sheanitza  hope you enjoy part 1! There will be more parts to come ❤️

Your leg shook as you sat on the side of your bathtub. 'I don't know why I'm so nervous' you thought 'it's not like it's gonna be positive'. This was at least the tenth pregnancy test you'd taken in the last six months. You and your husband Paul had been trying to start a family since he's stopped phasing, life was finally slowing down so being in wolf form wasn't needed as much. You'd that it was going to happen so fast, you'd have your baby in no time, but that was not the case. You'd started trying at the start of the year, and here you were six months later taking yet another pregnancy test.

At this point, you just wanted to give up, it just wasn't in the cards for you, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. Just when you thought you had come to terms with not being a mom, you'd be driving down the road and see a mom playing with her kids at the park, or you'd see a dad carrying his child on his shoulders at the grocery store and all you could think of was how amazing it would be for Paul to be able to do the same thing. You wanted nothing more than to make Paul a dad, and you felt awful that it hadn't happen yet.

You'd shared these thoughts with Paul before, and of course he'd just hold you and tell you how it was okay if you never got pregnant, "we'll just adopt" he'd say, then he'd smile "or we'll just ask Sam and Emily if we can have one of their billion children", trying to get a laugh out of you. He had been so great about making sure you were okay through all of it, but every time he saw the negative sign on the tests, you could see that little light leaving his eyes.

Not wanting to get his hopes up yet again, you didn't tell him when you realized your period was late. So here you were, sitting in the bathroom, nervously chewing on your lip, staring at a tiny little stick sitting on the sink. When the timer went off on your phone, letting you know it was time to check the results, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Slowly you got up and went over to the sink. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you gave yourself a small nod, 'If it's negative, it's okay' you thought 'we can adopt, this is not the end of the world'. After your little inner dialogue, you took a deep breath and picked up the pregnancy test.

'This can't be real' you thought staring down at the little pink cross. "No freaking way" you said, dropping the test on the counter, tears already threatening to spill from your eyes, you took a deep breath "no way!". Picking the test back up, you were slightly prepared for it to be negative, "this isn't real!". Nope, there it is ➕ Your hand involuntary went to your stomach, tears falling down your cheeks. 'There's a baby in there' you thought, "I'm having a baby"

You sat down on the cold tile of your bathroom floor, pregnancy test in hand. This all seemed to good to be true. But it was! Finally, you were having your baby. All these thoughts going around in your head, you were feeling pretty jumbled, but there was one thought that was clear to you: "I can't wait to tell Paul!"

A/N: Okay so here is part one of the requested pregnancy series for Paul Lahote! I feel like this isn't the greatest work I've done but I have such cute ideas for this story, this is just where it's starting.
I also want to say, I hope none of my readers are offended by this series. I know that infertility is a struggle for many woman, including myself. I just want you to know that my heart is with you all and that we're all in this together❤️
I love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter.

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