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Until recently becoming a hostage in your own home wasn't something that ever crossed your imagination. Now you are a captive, suddenly bound to the one place in Gotham City that you have always considered your safe haven.
The cozy apartment you rent is no longer the protective cocoon in which you can happily walk around naked and nobody would be any the wiser. Not that a perverted individual has ever tried to scale the high rise building and take peek through your Venetian blinds but still.
If only.
You would rather the creepy 'Peeping Tom' then the trigger-happy clown with authority issues because The Joker's personality so far removed from the norm. He shatters your personal belongings as if their nothing but dirt under his fingernails.
To witness such callus destruction of your property is both chilling and heart wrenching a the same time. Even if they just common house items, their possessions that belong to you.
His destruction and violation of your identity causes anger to crest like a wave as you watch him disintegrate every cherished memory.
It is a cruel and unbelievable punishment and it cements your belief that what little control you presumed to have over your manic patient.. has now shriveled up and died along with your life expectancy.
He knows you're too petrified to twitch a muscle let alone open your mouth to speak. He knows that your choice to remain mute while he wrecks havoc in your living room, is a strategic one.
He's impressed that you're smart enough not to gamble with the thin line he has put you on. And part of it is intelligence but mostly it's for the fact of knowing how much damage the object he holds can inflict on you.
It's impossible not to acknowledge the glint of gold and ivory he wields with twisted pride or forget that the Colt Gold Trophy will end your existence. How do you begin to reason with the barrel of a gun?
All the lectures about the human psyche you had to sit through at the Gotham University seem utterly useless when your life is on the line. How can any human being educated or no remain calm when they know it's almost time to meet their bloody fate? Emphasis on the bloody.

Even you. A certified psychiatrist, cannot settle the panicked rhythm of your hearts thundering to take back some of the power he has stolen.
This fills you with more fury and he can see it so clearly burning white hot on your face.
His cruel smirk curls across those dark red lips revealing the truth, he enjoys how much you smoulder.
He fondly remembers just moments ago
when you cowered between that sliver of freedom under your door jam and his tattooed chest. His pale digits itched to wrap around your neck and strangle the life right from your throat because of your insolence.  Nobody disobeyed him, nobody. You are no exception, no matter how badly you stirred his crotch.

You yourself, thought it would happen. And as you clung to the door with his breath puffing menacingly across your face, it was hard not to think about how your eyes would begin to water against the strain of his hold or how the blood vessels would burst angrily and bulge your pupils near out of their sockets.
He knew you would fight until your final breathe. That as your own eyes stared blankly into his emotionless gaze, you would leave this world with his joke upon your lips.
But there was to be no punchline.
Yes, he laughed. It even brushed across you cheek when he teased "leaving so soon Doc."
Stuttering your protest as you struggled to hold back tears only made his laughter more chilling, It sunk into every notch of your spine.
It should have paralysed you but that instinct for survival would never let you freeze or back down from a fight.
It wasn't in your nature to let anybody, especially the Joker take control. So it became a violent and bloody battle, one of which you fought with every tooth and broken nail.
Yet after feeling satisfied that you had drawn blood from his face, you didn't anticipate what it would feel like to have a loaded gun pointed to your temple.
And because of the distinct threatening click some cable ties he found in your kitchen draw had now been bound to your aching wrists, silently mocking your weakness and failure with their sharp burn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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