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Early Tuesday morning, a hush of suspense fell over the hospital staff as they waited for an emergency announcement.

Sorcha nudged Zelia's elbow and pointed to a line of photographs set up on easels across the stage. "What are all those?"

"Medical teams from past missions." Zelia swiveled around. "I see the photographer waiting in the back."

Dr. Banitierre strode to the front of the auditorium and took the podium. "Welcome. I know you've all made personal sacrifices to be here, committed to our humanitarian work. Word has arrived from our affiliate hospital in Nepal. They're prepared to host our team next month."

Dr. Banitierred paused while the Sisters shushed the crowd.

"The trip will take approximately ten days by steamship and overland. Our departure date is scheduled for two weeks from today. Everyone will need preventative vaccinations. The hospital will issue uniforms, hats, trekking gear and boots. This is a different environment than you're used to, with uncommon diseases, and you'll be provided materials to study before we arrive. Good luck and may our Lord bless this mission!"

Everyone in the room rose and applauded as the lead doctor accepted handshakes from his senior staff. Team members brimmed with questions.

"Can you believe we're leaving?" Angela asked.

"I hope it's not too much new information to learn," Zelia said.

"How many shots do we need to get?" Sorcha slumped in her chair. "And do we really need boots?"

After the group and individual pictures, Zelia found Sorcha hiding in the restroom. "Why so quiet?"

"Just overwhelmed. Wish Mum could see me now." Sorcha turned on the sink and splashed cold water on her face. "How much would it cost to get a copy of that group picture?"

"About a week's pay, for a small one."

"Oh." Sorcha's face fell. "Mum had a dear friend, Doris. I left without saying good-bye. I'd love to send her a picture and tell her I'm all right."

"I'll spot you the money."

"You'd do that?"

"Of course. You're part of our family here. Everyone looks out for everyone else. Even Ivori. And I'll cover for you today so you can meet your friend."

"Thank you, so much." Sorcha hugged Zelia and exhaled. "Let's get these shots over with. I want to see this trekking gear. How far do we have to hike anyway?"

In only five minutes outside in early May Sorcha was sweating through her underwear. Feels like the Fourth of July in New York. Before her eyes adjusted to the dim light of the corner diner, someone grabbed her hand.

"Glad you could sneak away." Alexa rubbed the hem of Sorcha's blouse. "Pretty official."

Sorcha gasped as Alexa dragged her out the side door. "You look so different out of uniform."

"We'll eat in the courtyard."

"Stinks back here." Sorcha sat at a lopsided table and scratched candle wax off a piece of worn wood. "Is this...a spirit board?"

"For the séances." Alexa pulled out a brown cigarette and lit it. "What's new with you?"

"You smoke?" Sorcha shifted back in her chair.

"Just cloves—take a whiff."

"Smells like the voodoo shop."

"I thought you didn't believe in all that?" Alexa tilted her head.

"I do not. But my friends might."

"Want a drag?" Alexa held the cigarette out. "Nobody's watching."

"We're leaving for Nepal in two weeks." Sorcha leaned across the table and wrapped her lips around the cigarette. Tingling in her throat escalated to a blaze in her chest. She gulped two glasses of water before she stopped coughing. "Never done that before."

"I wouldn't have guessed." Alexa pushed a plate of toast across the table. "You need to get out more. Tell me about Nepal."

An hour flew by as the friends updated each other on their adventures, picking up right where they left off on the train.

"I'm pushing my luck, being gone so long." Sorcha brushed crumbs off her skirt.

"Where can I write to you?" Alexa asked. With Sorcha's address in her pocket she disappeared, swallowed up by the New Orleans streets as if she were never there.

Luckily I can see the hospital tower from here, or I'd be hopelessly lost. On her walk back, Sorcha squinted away visions of a body crumpled in a gutter. No more smoking. She started to imagine the consequences if the scent of cloves lingered on her hair or uniform. She peeked in a side door before tiptoeing into the hospital.

"Don't think you're getting away scott-free."

Sorcha whirled at the unexpected voice.

Ivori stepped from the shadows. "You have the boneyard eyes."

"There you go again," Sorcha hissed. "Spouting craziness."

"Mark my words, Miss New York." Ivori pointed to Sorcha. "You will bring nothing but disaster." 

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