3# Your Family :)

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A/N Giving your kids names, birthday and what they get from the derp, genetic wise.

ASHTON: You and Ash started your family on September 12th with your son Connor who has Ashton's charm and good looks.Liam was born the 23rd of April and just like his dad he is a drummer. Another boy was born on June 4th, your son Finn was blond curls too. Finally Ash gets his little princess Bailey blessed with his wonderful outgoing personality was born on the most romantic day of the year February 14th :)

MICHAEL: You and Michael were so in love with each other you forgot what a condom was and had a surprise. Well that surprise was bigger then it seemed because on March 30th 3 little triplet girls arrived. Abby got his blond hair, Georgia got his crazy personality and Chloe got his love for music. You felt that 3 was enough but Michael said "Hell no im not letting these girls go anywhere near a school without a brother to protect them. I dont want my little princesses to get hurt!" and you end up having Jack on the 12th of August ( my birthday ;) ) who has his sense of protectiveness.

CALUM: You and Cal very excited to have children gave birth to the beautiful Andrea who was born on the 19th of May , you gorgeous daughter has his golden voice. You and Cal wanted one more but ended having twins right before Christmas on the 22nd , the perfect present! Evan has Calum sense of humour and height and Maya was his wonderful cuddly and loving personality , you two make great parents and have an amazing family.

LUKE: From the moment you met Luke you knew he would make a great father. Being Luke and the hopeless romantic he was, after your honeymoon on Valentines day ,you two had fun ;) 9 months later little Leah Hemmings was born on the 8th of November with his beautiful blue eyes and shyness. Later on poped out Kaitlyn on July 12th who has stunning hair like Luke and a beautiful voice.


Can you guess which boy is my fav? :)


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