The kidnapping

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A few days after the date, Skyla and Jason ended up as Nagisa and Kayano's friends. They hung out together, chatted, and generally got along. They shipped each other (Nagikae versus Skyson) and Skyla got violent quite a lot, but that became normal after a while. But, one day, they saw Skyla - alone for once - looking panicked and worried. She speed-walked across the pavement yelling: "Jason! This-this isn't funny! Come out! P-please?"
Another girl came walking across the street, grinning. "Hey Skyla, where's Jason, or should I say, your love! Ha!"
"Shut up Melissa." Skyla grumbled, but Melissa wasn't listening, since she had already broken into a rendition of 'can you feel the love tonight' and wasn't going to stop any time soon.
"Nope!" Melissa grinned, and continued.
"Melissa, do you want to die?" Skyla asked, "Eh forget it. I need to find Jason. I don't have time for you."

Two more girls came walking across the street, and joined in, with: "Skyla and Jason sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G!"
"OLIVIA, AMY, I SWEAR TO GOD!!!" Skyla yelled, "It's like you want to get your face punched."
Melissa, Olivia and Amy ran off, giggling and shipping to themselves.
"Erm, what was that all about?" Nagisa asked.
"Yeah, what just happened?" Kayano added.
"Erm, nothing!" It clearly wasn't nothing, but Kayano and Nagisa were interrupted by someone yelling, and a crazy giggle.
"JASON!!!" Skyla yelled, "I would recognise that yell anywhere! He's in trouble!"
"What!? Okay, I'll go see what's going on." Nagisa said, and turned in the direction of the scream​, "You coming, Kayano?"
"Of course!"
"I'm coming too!" Skyla added, "I can't just leave my Senpai all alone... WAIT WHAT."
Kayano and Nagisa giggled, but said no more than: "I ship it so hard."

The shout had come from an abandoned hotel, which reminded Kayano and Nagisa of Takaoka's plan to poison them all. They were lucky that the wrong poison was used. If Takaoka's poison was used, then...
Let's not think about that. Nagisa thought, and carried on walking.

Once they got into the hotel, they were faced with their first obstacle...

Stairs. Lots of them.

"I don't know," Kayano replied, "but maybe they wanted it to be hard to get to the top floor."
"Hmm. True." Nagisa said, and began to climb.

Many stairs later...

Nagisa stumbled to the top, and almost collapsed, "Too... Many... Stairs..." He mumbled. They heard a 'ding' from behind them, and turned around to see Skyla stepping out of the lift. "WAIT- THE LIFT!!!" Kayano and Nagisa shouted in sync.
"Erm, yeah?" Skyla said, "It was right there."
Nagisa groaned, and Kayano just looked bewildered (like normal).
"Urgh. Let's just go." Nagisa suggested.
"Good idea." Kayano replied.

They looked around for a while, when suddenly, they saw a slightly opened door.  "There." Nagisa said, "I think he'll be in there."
"How can you tell?" Skyla asked.
"I don't really know.  I just can."
"Alright." Skyla smirked, skeptically.
The door creaked open, and Kayano motioned for them to hide behind the door and watch.  They could hear a sweet voice (with maybe a hint of insanity) from behind it:
"Oh sweetie, I'm back~" The voice smiled, in a singsong tone.
"Wha- aren't you Skyla's friend?   What's her name, Teigan?" Jason said.
"My name's Taygan, darling~"
"Please stop saying that."
"Saying what, sugar-pie?"
"Those weird names.  My name is Jason."
"I know your name dearie!" She laughed,  "But calling each other cute names is what​ couples are supposed to do~"
Skyla gasped, and suddenly looked very angry, like some sort of fury had blown over her and wiped away all of  her self-control.  She was lovesick.  "I'm going in." She said, simply, and she strode into the room.

"Skyla!" Jason yelled, and began struggling against the ropes he was tied up in. Wait... Ropes?
"Ugh.  Skyla.  What do you want?" The girl asked."
"For you to let go of my Senpai!  What do you think you're doing, Taygan!"
"Ahahaha!   Why, claiming what's rightfully mine, of course!"  Taygan laughed.
"JASON IS MINE!!!" Skyla screamed, and, without any​ further hesitations, charged at her, pulling an axe from God-knows-where and slashing with a burning passion in her eyes.
"Gah! So irritating." Taygan mumbled, "Well, you're simply just a stray tree in my road to love.  But you know what you do with​ out-of-place trees, don't you?


Grinning, Taygan dodged, then pulled a pair of scissors from God-knows-where, and attacked back.  She hit.
She expected Skyla to yell in pain but instead, she just laughed, and carried on attacking.  "Why are you laughing?" Taygan asked, confused.
"Because I know from that attack that you're weaker than me.  And I WILL get my Jason from you." Skyla laughed.

The fight seemed to last for an eternity.  Skyla with her axe, slashing with a burning fury.  And Taygan with her scissors, her love for Jason fueling her agile slashes.  Soon, one of them would surely have to lose, right?  But Nagisa, Kayano and even Jason couldn't tell who would win, until...

"DIE!!!" Skyla screamed, "JASON, I'LL SAVE YOU!!!!!"
Taygan, worn out from fighting, stumbled in surprise at this sudden outburst.  Skyla ran over to her, and hit her with the axe.

Did I just... Lose..?
No.  I have to... Hold on...

"I would say 'I'm sorry.' but I would be lying." Skyla said simply, and walked out of the room, as Nagisa and Kayano untied Jason.  They left Taygan lying - supposedly dead - in a pool of Skyla's and her own blood.

Afterwards, Jason, Skyla, Kayano and Nagisa were sitting in a café, eating cake.  "Well," Skyla stood up, "Me and Jason need to be going now, so see you guys later!"
"See you!" Kayano smiled.
"Bye!" Nagisa said, smiling.

And off they went...

A fight for love ~ Nagisa X Kayano/Karma (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now