Back to school

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Days after Jason's kidnapping, Nagisa went back to his classroom and told the entire story to his pupils.
"Whoa. Did she really kidnap him!" Yuki marvelled, writing down ideas for the play he was writing.
"Yeah. Skyla was really mad. So angry that she ended up killing Taygan."
"Surely not! All because she said that she and Jason were a couple? That's not worth a human life!"
"Well, she does watch a lot of Yandere anime, maybe it had an effect on her."

For a few days, Nagisa's class (The new Class 3E) were absolutely fine. They didn't care about their principal, Principal Okataka, who - inspired by Principal Asano - had his own 'class E' system, and they got on with their normal school lives.
I still feel I know Principal Okataka from somewhere... Nagisa thought, Meh, it's probably just my imagination.

In the middle of PE, Principal Okataka came striding across the field.
"Ah, Principal!" Nagisa smiled, as the rest of the class glared at the corrupt Principal, "What brings you down the valley today?" He snarled at the pupils, and then turned to Nagisa with a blatantly fake smile, "I was just checking in, to see if you had been, I don't know... Assassinated, or something." Nagisa stifled a gasp, Principal Okataka didn't know about the assassination aspect of his class. It had to be a coincidence... "Sir!" Nagisa joked, and faked offence "No assassin could get to me!" He faked a few karate moves to prove his point, and the class laughed, but Mr Okataka just frowned. "We'll see, Mr Shiota. So, what happened to your girlfriend, the one you brought into class a few days ago? What's her name..? Kayano?" Nagisa went bright red, and the class giggled, Hoshiko whispered, "I ship it." to Chikako, to a response of more laughter from the class. "S-sir!" Nagisa blushed, "She's not- well, she is but, um-" "Shiota, there's no need to get so flustered!" The principal laughed, not a friendly laugh, but an obviously fake laugh that he thought sounded genuine. "Well, I'll be going now, bye." The class sighed in relief. Thank god, Nagisa thought, I thought he would never leave...

Once he got home, Nagisa flopped onto the couch, and turned on the TV. He was watching a series called 'Dragonfly'. The main character was played by Kaede Kayano, so he got a good feeling from watching it, it seemed to tell him: "Everything is alright. Kayano is alive, you are alive. Everyone is happy." He paused. He had heard a noise from outside. A pen and paper? And someone laughing..? Nuruhuhuhu! Wait... "KOROSENSEI!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" "Um... Nothing..." He was crawling away! Nagisa leapt out of the window and chased after him, brandishing a SAUSO knife. "I DIDN'T GET RID OF THIS!!!" He yelled. Korosensei fled at Mach 20 and Nagisa knew that he couldn't catch up, so he just put his knife down and shouted, "Korosensei! Get back here! I need to tell you something!" He sped back, and his face was yellow with green stripes: He was feeling cocky. "Yes, Nagisa, my boy?" Nagisa sighed at his stripes, and answered: "Do you think you could come and teach my class with me tomorrow?" "Oh ho! But wouldn't your students be afraid?" Korosensei smiled, he knew that anyone taught by Nagisa could take anything. "No way! My class is stronger than that, you'll see when you meet them!"

Much, much stronger... Nagisa thought.

A fight for love ~ Nagisa X Kayano/Karma (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now