Green and red

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The only thing Kayano wanted was to act. She wanted desperately for some unknown director to yell: "CUT!" And for it all to be over.
Unfortunately, life isn't like that.
Life isn't just an act.
It isn't something you can manipulate.
Life is a nightmare.
A living hell.
That kind of thing can't be controlled.
You're just a puppet, clinging desperately to your "free will" and your futile attempts at happiness.
Kayano hadn't yet realised this.
She believed in the vague dream known as "hope".
And the one person who gave her that hope?


She was only acting, doing what she loved, when suddenly...

"Oh Kayano~ you're in my way. Not that you have any choice. You always were."

"You know exactly who I am."
"Got it in one!"
"Wh-what h-happened to you?"

He was even worse by now. He had knife marks on his arms, as if he had cut himself. He had no more emotion. He wasn't even Karma anymore. The tentacles had taken over. Was this what had happened to her? No, not this badly. Her tentacles had been fueled by her bloodlust, her total determination to take revenge on Korosensei, but her bloodlust had faded by then. Karma's tentacles were fueled by his love for Nagisa. His total devotion to the blue-haired assassin. Love never fades. Even if it breaks your heart over and over, anyone will keep on loving. Why? It's pointless. But then again...
So is everything else, and everyone keeps doing it.

Kayano felt sorry for him. He had been driven insane by his love for Nagisa. He had attempted murder. He had tried to kill Nagisa. And yet, it was her entire nature to feel sorry for him.

"Now, I have a surprise for you~"
Suddenly, one of Karma's​ bright​ red tentacles lashed out, and grabbed her by the waist. It pierced her neck, just hard enough to keep her alive, but put her in immense pain. She screamed. A blood-curdling scream of excruciating pain. She yelled out again, her desperate cries ringing in he ears of anyone nearby. She couldn't even move. All she could do was scream. Everyone nearby was helpless to do anything, because, within a few seconds of Kayano's yell...

They were all dead.

"N-no..." She cried out again, but not in pain this time. She cried in anguish. Why? Why did they deserve to die? He was selfish. He was-

Karma sprung.

He leapt into the air, moving at Mach 20, just like Korosensei. Until he finally landed, at...

Nagisa's school?!
No... No! He couldn't be doing this! He can't-

"AHAHAHA, Nagisa, where are you~"

A fight for love ~ Nagisa X Kayano/Karma (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now