Chapter 4

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"He never loved you! He told me on your wedding day that he was using you to make his mom happy. As soon as you get back he's gonna divorce you and take me back!" Emily spat at Violet. Violet was standing in the middle of the room with a towel wrapped around her, she was shaking, not with fear but with anger. How dare Emily say something like that about Logan. She hoped she knew Logan better than that and that Emily was just trying to get to her. "He despises you Violet. If he came back from his run and you weren't here he'd be happy! So why don't you just grab your things and leave! LEAVE LOGAN BEFORE HE BREAKS YOUR LITTLE SENSITIVE HEART!" Emily continued to taunt Violet until Violet had had enough and was so angry that she started yelling back at Emily.

"How dare you?! How dare you come in here all high and mighty and tell me that MY husband doesn't love me?! You left him Emily, you know that Logan wouldn't have anything to do with you if you were the last woman on this earth. So why don't you get your shit, get out of my hotel room and off this island away from honeymoon with MY HUSBAND. HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!" Violet was furious that Emily thought she could get away with treating her like that. She wouldn't take it from anyone else at home and now she was brave enough to stand up to Emily.

If it were to come to it she would defend herself, even though Emily was a bit bigger than her she would still stand up for herself. "What gives you the right to talk to me like that?! Do you know who I am?" She shrieked obviously not expecting Violet to say anything to her and definitely not something like that.

"Yeah you're an intimidating stalker bitch who clearly isn't over someone that moved on two years ago!"

Emily's breath caught in the back of her throat, "You bitch!" She lunged at Violet but was caught by a security guard that had just barged in to the room with Logan following close behind with another security guard.

"Logan!" Emily screeched with delight even though she was being held back by a security guard. "Did you hear what she said to me?!" Logan ignored Emily completely as he rushed over to his wife to see if she was OK. "Logan she's not good enough for you! Do you hear me? You will never find anyone better than me!" She yelled as the security guard dragged her out of the room, the security guard that had followed Logan in to the room stayed in the room to talk to Logan and Violet.

"Do you want to press charges?"


"How did you know?" Violet looked up at Logan wondering out loud how he had known that Emily was in the room.

"I forgot my water bottle so I came back and saw the door open. I saw her sitting on the bed so I went down to the lobby to get the security guard. Good timing huh?" He kissed the top of her head and sighed happy that he had made it back in time.

"Did you hear all the things I said to Emily?"



"It was hot." He chuckled.

"You mean to tell me that you waited an extra few minutes so you could hear my speech about how much of a bitch she is?" Logan nodded his head and gave her a goofy grin. "OK." Violet shrugged her shoulders and hugged Logan before they headed downstairs to the lobby. They were taken in to a room and they both made a statement to the police about what had happened today.

Once they had given their statements amongst other things the only thing Violet could think about was how Emily and Evan had figured out where they were. The only logical explanation was Lucy. Logan hadn't told anyone that they were in Fraser Island and the only person Violet had spoken to since she and Logan came to Fraser Island was Lucy. "Penny for your thoughts?" Violet looked up at Logan who was laying next to her on a deck chair on the balcony of their hotel suite.

"I'm trying to figure out how they knew where we were again." She replied not giving away that she thought her best friend was the culprit.

"I didn't tell anyone we were coming here, did you? Maybe they hacked in to our credit card records or something. Don't worry about it now, they're being carted back home as we speak." Logan was trying his very best to get Violet to think about other things, he felt terrible that he had such a crappy past that it was coming to bite Violet and himself on the butt.

"The only person I told was Lucy."

"Well there you go ... oh." When Logan thought about it he realized that Lucy was Violet's best friend and his best friends girlfriend. Why would he do that? "Um let's not think about that until we get home okay? Enjoy the rest of our honeymoon now that we know they can't bother us." Logan said.

"Yeah I guess you're right."

So the honeymoon went on but Violet being Violet could not get the picture of her best friend telling her stalker where to find her. What would cause Lucy to give away information like that to someone she knew was stalking her? "Violet stop thinking about it too much you're making my head sore! Let's go do something fun! How about scuba diving?" Logan suggested sick of Violet being silent.

"Okay." Violet perked up a bit and got up from the deck chair. She changed in to her bathing suit and grabbed a towel from the bed and waited for Logan to come in from the balcony.

"There's no other person that knew where we were Lincoln, can you just ask her please?!" Violet groaned to herself, she knew this was gonna cause a fight between Logan and Lincoln, she didn't want to cause problems. "Dude she was at the wedding and at the engagement party she knows what Evan looks like and she's met Emily. If you don't talk to her then I will! This is ruining my honeymoon, she's so unhappy!"

With out saying goodbye Logan hung up the phone and huffed angrily, the thought of someone close to Violet giving out that sort of information to Emily or Evan made him so angry. Violet didn't deserve any of this. "Let's go." His voice was gruff and he was not in a good mood anymore but he wanted to get Violet out of their hotel room.

"Did you talk to Lincoln?" Violet looked up at Logan as he took her hand dragging her to the door.


"What did he say?"

"He wasn't happy, he doesn't think she would do something like that." He replied repeating what Lincoln had said, 'She wouldn't do something like that! She doesn't even know who Evan is!'

"I don't think she would do something like that either but she's the only person who knew that we were coming here. And let's be honest here she's really the only person who doesn't know what Evan's like." Violet had thought about this a lot in the past few days and had come to the conclusion that it had to be Lucy, she really was the only one that knew she and Logan were going to Fraser Island and she was the only one that hadn't met Evan, she didn't truly know what he was like.

"He's gonna ask her anyway but either way this is gonna be awkward when we get home," Logan grumbled, now he wasn't looking forward to going home either.

"Well let's go scuba diving and forget about it until we get home, maybe Emily threatened her or something."

"Good idea, let's forget that ever happened." Logan agreed kissing his wife gently as they walked to the elevator to go down to the lobby and enquire about scuba diving. "I love you, no matter what happens."


sorry this took so long! but you'll be happy to know I've planned out the rest of the story so updates will most likely be more often, once a week if i can :) vote/comment/fan

I've entered this in to the watty awards for 2012 :)

thanks for reading.

Tash X

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