Chaper 6

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"What do we do now that we're married?" Violet asked curiously. She was laying on a deck chair on the balcony of their beach house. She and Logan had been back from Fraser Island for almost a month now and Violet was bored out of her brains. She had nothing to do during the day and just waited for Logan to come home from work.

"What would you like to do?" Logan asked thoughtfully. He had just arrived home from work and was considering taking his wife away for the weekend, to spend some well earned alone time with Violet but also to escape his work. Ever since he and Violet had arrived home from their honeymoon his father had stepped down from the corporation and handed over the business to Logan.

"I don't know." Violet shrugged her shoulders and moved her sunglasses to the top of her head. She looked over at her husband, he looked so tired. He was wearing a suave looking Armani suit, he looked so handsome, Violet thought. If he didn't look like he could sleep for a week Violet might have jumped on him.

"What did you want to do with yourself before all of this happened?" Logan asked as he reached over for Violet's hand lacing their fingers together.

Violet though for a few second before saying, "I wanted to go to college but I don't really know what I want to study." she trailed off wondering what kind of subjects she would be good at. It had been a while since she even thought about studying again and it scared her a bit. She remembered Logan mentioning before they got married, his mother wanted them to have grand children. Straight away.

"Ever considered taking your photography to the next level?" Logan queried.

"Not really. That's just a hobby."

"Violet have you ever looked at the shots you take?" Logan cocked an eyebrow and looked at his young wife with disbelief. Violet's pictures were amazing, she had a whole album of her pictures in their bedroom.

Violet thought this was a stupid question. Of course she had looked at her photos. How could she not? "Logan what kind of question is that?" she asked.

"Well they're amazing, you have a real talent for it. What if you took a short course on photography? We could get you some equipment and you could open a studio or something." Logan suggested.

"I don't know if my photos are that good, Logan." Violet was unsure about the whole idea but spending her days with a camera in hand sounded like something she would like to do.

"Violet stop being stubborn, you're the best photographer I know! At least give it a go." Logan smiled brightly at his wife. Violet smiled back, happy to know that Logan thought her pictures were good.

"Fine. Where do I start?" She asked.

"Do you want to do a course?"

"Not really, I know quite a bit already. I did a short course when I was in high school. What if I did a refreshers course. Do you really think I can pull this off?" She asked curiously.

"You can do anything you put your mind to."


With her new found motivation and inspiration over the next few weeks Violet enrolled in a photography course. She kept busy and had hardly thought about Evan or Emily when the letter in the mail came.

The upcoming court hearing was closer than she would have liked and now no matter how much she tried to concentrate on her photography the only thing she could focus on was the court hearing where she would have to see Evan and Emily again. "Do we have to go?" she complained to Logan the morning of the hearing. She was laying in bed and was seriously considering refusing to get out of bed, like a two year old.

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