hell of a life

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piip piip.
Yuzuru wakes up to his alarm going off. "aish" he sighs, another day of school. He hates school, so bad. Yuzuru forces himself up. He walks to his full body mirror and observes his body. A frown reaches his face. He doesn't like his body, at all. All he sees is fat thighs and ugly stomach with cellulite ass. But that is definitely not true. Yuzuru is in perfect shape, lean and firm beautiful body with long legs and arms. A skaters body. He doesn't see his perfect. "Yuzuru!" He wakes up from his every morning body observation routine when his mother calls him. "What mom" He yells back. "your school is about to start, we should get going soon" He hears. "Okay mom, I'll be ready in 15 minutes" He let's his shirt fall back on his stomach as he sighs heavily. another day of hell. He thinks. Yuzuru goes to his wardrobe and picks up a white long sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans. After putting them on he goes and packs his skating bag, he'll be going to skate right after school. Yuzuru does his morning routine in the bathroom and now he is ready to face the everyday torture. He walks downstairs where his mother is eating breakfast. "Good morning sweetheart, eat something now, we will leave soon" his mom says. "Good morning and I'm not hungry right now but thank you anyway" he smiles politely to his mom. "are you sure? you have training right after school" his mom asks concerned. "yeah Im sure mom" he says with a fake smile. The truth is, he is super hungry, he hasn't eaten anything in two days. But he has to do it, for himself and for someone to love him someday.

time skip to school

Yuzuru hops off the car and waves goodbye to his mother. "see you at 4 o'clock, bye honey!" his mom yells at him before driving off.

Yuzurus POV

I take a deep breath and start walking towards my nightmare. I'm so scared to go to school, everyday. There are three bullies. Alex, Harry, and Mike. They bully me every single day. They call me names and they push me around and sometimes even hit me. But the worst pain is the words. They call me fat, useless, hopeless, ugly, gayboy, slut, and many more. I can't help but agree on most of them. I'm ugly, fat, useless, hopeless and yeah Im gay. No one knows about that. And if they knew, oh god I can't even think about that. Ive always tried to come up with the reason on why i'm bullied. And I have came to the conclusion that it is because Im japanese and we live in Toronto, and -- BANG. I'm pushed to the lockers by Alex, the main bully. "Look whos here, the little gay slut. I bet you don't make much money with that fat body of yours haha" Everyone around me starts laughing. I put my head down in embarrassment. "Hey! Look up little slut, I didn't give you a permission to look away from me" Alex continues. I hesitantly look up to Alex. "Im sorry" I say quietly. "Sorry won't cut it" slap. He slaps me and I quickly bring my hand to my cheek. Tears are brimming in my eyes. I bite my teeth to prevent them from falling. "aww isn't he looking so weak when crying, I could fuck you right here and now and you wouldn't be able to do anything" Alex says. "Wha-what" I say terrified. "yeah I bet you would like my big cock in your fat ass" He says with a smirk. "I- I" "yeah, we could join Alex" Mike says and motions for Harry to give some respond too, he just nods. I'm terrified right now, how can they say stuff like that. "Ple please just leave me alone" I stutter out. "Speak clearly you little twink, I cant fucking hear you" Alex yells at my face. "Please leave me alone" I say again a little bit louder. Ding ding the school bell rings. "ah ah, saved by the bell, see you later slut" Alex says and finally let's me go. I quickly walk to my locker and take my todays books. I rush to the class and sit down on my seat. The first period is math. I like it but Alex is here, and he sits behind me, that sucks. The teacher hasn't arrived yet so that means Alex can bug me a little more. I see him throwing a condom package onto the floor next to me. "Hey dear Yuzu baby, did you drop something?" He picks up the condom from the floor and now everyone's attention is on us. "wouldn't want anyone catching anything from you so better take it anyway" he says. Wtf I dont have any diseases in fact I haven't even had sex. "it's not mine" I say. "you pig, just take it so you can go whore around somewhere" He says with a smirk. The tears are forming into my eyes again. I get my stuff and hurriedly walk out of the classroom. I run to the bathroom with tears falling down. This all is just too much for me to handle. I go to the bathroom stall and lock it. I search around my backpack looking for my razor. Yes I cut. I've been cutting for about a month now. I press the blade to my wrist and slide. The blood starts running out. I make another and another cut until there's 6 deep cuts on my scarred wrist. "That's enough for today I guess" I say to myself. I spend rest of the math class at the bathroom and when I finally decide that I'm strong enough to continue my day I get up and look myself in the mirror. "Disgusting" That is how I describe my appearance. I pull a black hoodie out of my bag and put it on to cover the bloody sleeves of my white shirt. After that I wipe my tears away and put a half smile on my face and head out. "I have to be strong, I have training to do today" I think to myself.
     It's finally the last period of the day, french and then I'm free to go to skate. I love skating so much. I'm aiming to the grand prix 2017 right now and it will be my first competition outside Japan. I'm training under Brian Orser, he is such a good coach. And I also have a training mate, Javier Fernandez. And well he is my crush actually. He is so charismatic and mature and handsome. I could go for the whole day just to list things I like about him, and there's thousands of them. Ring ring. Oh school has ended, I didn't even notice that I had spaced out for the whole class thinking about Javier and my love for skating. I gather my things and leave the school building fast before anything can happen. I see my mom waiting in front of the school already. "Hi mom" I say and hug her, oh how I love my mom. "Hi sweetie, how was your day" she asks with a smile plastered on her face. "The same as usual, good" I say with a fake smile. "that's great to hear" she says lovingly. "Now let's go to the ice rink" she continues. "Yes and fast" I chuckle. I can't wait to put on my skates and see Javier. I think with a small grin on my face.

Hi guys!! I made a little change on the cutting part, so please read that first so you won't be that confused in the next chapter:) And poor Yuzuru :( I will warn you here that this story will be angsty and vulgar. also some nc17 content. so I've warned you

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