"Stop it!"

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Yuzuru's POV

piip piip.
"Ugh!" Not school again!
I don't wanna go there especially after what happened yesterday..
After my morning routine I go downstairs and find my mom making breakfast. "Good morning honey, how are you feeling?" she asks me.

"I'm fine" I answer her with a fake smile. "That's good to hear. Now have some breakfast." she says.
"Uhm I will take this apple and eat it on my way to school, i'm in a hurry."
"Oh well okay. And by the way Yuzu. I won't be able to take you to practice today, so you have to call Brian or Javier to pick you up okay?"
"Yeah mom."
I grab the apple and walk off to put my shoes.
"I'll be going now, bye mom!" I yell and close the door. I fish my phone out of my pocket and dial Brian's number.

"Hello Yuzuru."
"Hi Brian. Uhm so my mom can't bring me to practice today so I wondered if you would be able to pick me up from school?" I ask him as I walk towards my school.
"Oh I'm sorry but I can't today. I have a meeting so I can't make it."
"But call Javi, he might be able" he says.
"Ohh okay I understand"
"Hey Yuzu."
"Are you okay?" I hear the concern in his voice.
"Yeah I'm fine" I mumble.
"That's good. Yuzuru, I hope you know we care about you?"
"Well I gotta go now. Bye Yuzu, see you in the practice!"
"Bye Brian."
I sigh as I press the end button.
"Now I have to call Javi."

"Hi Yuzu!"
"Hi Javi" I say with a smile plastered onto my face.
"I was wondering if you could pick me up from school to practice, because my mom can't?"
"Yeah sure thing Yuzu"
"When your school ends?" he asks.
"Uhm 3.30 pm"
"Okay I'll be there!"
"Thanks Javi!"
"Yeah anytime!"
"Well I have to go now, see you then!" I say as I look down hiding my blush.
"Bye Yuzu!"
The same time Javi says that I reach the school door and walk in.
I can't believe Javi is picking me up! I squeal like a teenage girl as I put my phone into my pocket.
"Hey slit eyes!" I hear Alex yelling.
Please not now, I was in a good mood.
"Stop you little twink!" he continues.
I stop and put my head down. I feel stares in my back. "Turn around" he commands me. In fear I turn around and keep my head still low. And suddenly I'm pushed to the boys bathroom. As my back hits the wall I open my eyes. "Look up" Alex says as he gently lifts my chin up. What. He is gentle? Is he sick or something? I look directly into his eyes and wait for what he has to say. "You..." he says as he licks his lips. "You are more beautiful than most of our schools girls." What?!. Did Alex just call me beautiful?! "And I get hard even just by thinking of your pretty little ass on my lap." "Wh-what?" I stutter out disgusted. What is he saying. He comes dangerously close to my face and looks at me with his oh so famous smirk. He goes near my ear and licks my earlobe. "I. Want. You." he whispers and licks down to my neck. I can't help but let out a little moan as he licks my sweet spot. I immediately realize what i did and put my hand on my mouth. "Look, the little slut likes it Alex." Mike says and laughs. "Yeah I know" he says with a smirk. Suddenly he nips at my nipple through my shirt. I yelp in pleasure. "Please, stop" I ask him. "Haha okay for now. But after school you will come to locker room or else we will beat you up so bad you won't walk again. Understood?" Alex demands.
I nod in a hurry. There is no way in hell i'd want to get beaten up. Alex pushes me off and slaps by butt. I turn around shocked. "What are you doing?!" I yell at him.
"Whoa whoa calm down pretty boy. You were excited a minute ago." Alex says.
"N-no I wasn't" I defend.
"Then what was with the moans?" He asks me with a smirk on.
"I-I was surprised."
"Whatever. See you in the afternoon. Now get lost slut." Alex pushes me off.
What on earth was all that. I still feel his hot breath in my neck. No stop it Yuzuru. That was harassment. Like I definitely didn't like it but I couldn't help but feel good. Ugh I'm so confused.

*time skip to the end of the school day*

Ring ring
The school bell rings. Aah finally school is over and I can go skating. I pick up my things and start walking towards the door. As I put my hand to the door handle I stop. Oh no. I have to go to the bullies. Fear starts to take over me. I I can't go there, they are so violent. And- and what happened today at the bathroom. "Hey slit eyes! Can you open the fucking door!" I flinch as I hear my classmate yelling at me. I take a quick look behind me and see a line there waiting to get out. "I-I'm sorry" I mumble and hurry out of the classroom. I walk in the hallway towards my locker. I hear whispers and I feel looks. Like, everyone in this school hates me, I guess. That sucks. I want a friend. I feel so lonely. It wouldn't even matter to anyone if I wasn't here anymore. Why people are so cruel. I don't get it. I finally reached my locker. I put the books I won't need, inside and close it. The hallways are starting to empty. There aren't many people left anymore, since this was the last period of the whole day. I better get there quickly or Alex will be super mad. I start walking and I reach the locker room. I open the door and see them there, waiting for me. I gulp and start walking towards them. "We were waiting for you" Alex says to me with a smirk. "Ah yes. Umm can you be quick. I'm in a hurry. My ride is already here" I stutter out. "We will take exactly the amount of time that we want." he says. "O-okay"
"Now get here slut." Alex commands.
I hesitantly start walking closer to them until I'm face to face with them.
"Good boy. Now, where were we?" "Oh right I was about to do something like this" Alex says as he grabs my private area.
"Alex! Wha-what are you doing?! Stop it!" I cry out in fear.
"Guys! Hold him!"
After that I feel both of my hands being taken by Mike and Harry.
"Hey guys! Stop it please!" Tears are forming into my eyes. I don't want this.
Alex palms my dick through my pants.
"Don't deny it, you like this.
He moves from my dick to take my shirt off.
"No!!" "Stop it!" I yell horrified. Are they going to rape me?
Alex takes my shirt off despite my struggles.
"Alex stop it!!"
"I don't want this!" I yell crying.
"Help!!" I need to get out of here.
"No one will hear you slut."
Alex lifts me up and slams me into a bench middle of the lockers.
"Ah!" I yelp in pain. He climbs on top of me and pins me down with Mike and Harry holding my hands.
"Get off me!!" I yell at them trying to free myself from their hold. There's no use in my pleading. I feel how Alex moves his hands up and down my body and goes to my pants.
"NO!" "You can't take them off!!" I scream.
"Like I care slut." he answers with a chuckle.
His hands starts to unbuckle my belt. And then he quickly opens the zipper and rips both of my pants off.
"No please don't!" I can't fight with them anymore. They are too strong.
"No o..." I cry. I just can't fight them.
Alex pushes my legs up so that my ass is exposed to him. He pulls his pants down and he is already hard. I see Alex nodding at Mike or Harry and then I feel Alex thrust his dick hard into me and someone's hand covering my mouth. "Aahgh!!!!!" I scream but it's muffled by a hand. Tears are flowing down my face. It hurts so fucking much. It feels like I've been ripped apart.
"You are fucking tight." Alex moans.
He starts slamming into me so hard.
I try to struggle free and scream for help but nothing happens. Here I am, in agonizing pain.
"Aah, Yuzuru. Your ass is so good god dammit. Aah!" he moans.
He hits my prostate.
"A aah!" I can't help but moan. He continues slamming right into it. His dirty hands are roaming around my body. I'm so disgusted. I want, no I need him to stop.
"Seems like you enjoy this you dirty little boy." Alex whispers in my ear.
I shake my head meaning no. I don't fucking enjoy this! I didn't think my first time would be like this. I wanted it to be sweet and loving. They are ruining everything in me. They are ruining my life. I wanna die. I can't take this harassment anymore.
Last thrust and Alex comes hard inside me. He pulls out and they let me go. I lay there limp with cum coming out of my ass. I feel so dirty. I'm sure they've seen my cuts. Like they would care. No one cares. I'm invisible.
"That was nice. Hope you enjoyed, we gotta go. And don't you dare to tell anyone. Bye bitch!" Alex yells at me when they walk out of the locker room.
After they've left I start crying so much more. He raped me. Oh my god. I feel so bad. I'm so dirty for letting him do it. But I I didn't want it I tried to struggle. But I couldn't. I sit up and it hurts so bad my ass is on fire. I see my clothes on the floor. I pick them up and start putting them on, still dirty. I find my phone on the floor and pick it up. Oh no! The clock is already 4pm. I gotta go. I run fast but limping out of the school. I see Javier's car outside. I run towards it and open the door.
"I'm so sorry Javi!" I immediately apologize him.
"Yuzu what happened?!! Why were you crying?" he asks me concerned.
"Oh.. I just got worried you would be mad at me for being late." I lie to him.
"Well if you say so. Let's go now" he sighs.
"Yeah and Javi.. Thank you for waiting me. I'm sorry." I apologize.
"Yuzu it's fine don't worry." he offers me a smile. He starts the car and we drive off. I rest my head against the window and fall into my depressed mind. I wanna die. I got raped. I can't be here anymore. Without me noticing it, tears are falling down and Javier asks me about it.
"Yuzu, what really happened, why are you crying?"
"Nothing happened. I'm just tired." I answer him.
"Being tired doesn't contain crying." he softly says.
"Javi really i'm just tired."
"But Yuzu, you can tell me what's really wrong."
"LIKE YOU WOULD CARE! NO ONE CARES. SO LEAVE ME ALONE.!!!" I yell at him all of a sudden. When I realize what i've done I open the seatbelt and try to open the car door.
"I I'm sorry..." I stare out of the window blankly.
"No worries, let's just go to practice, okay?" he says as he puts his hand on top of mine. I look up at him and then down our hands. A small smile grows to my lips when I realize Javi is holding my hand.
"Yeah. Im sorry." I glance at him and he just smiles at me and squeezes my hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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