Chapter 6

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"Good evening, I am investigator Lee Jooheon and this is my apprentice "Daniel Im". I'm the leader of this investigation, now will you show me to the crime scene, will you?"

In the doorway, a relatively young man with narrow, dark eyes and black hair stood. In his hand he held a white legitimation brick that he held up for both Minhyuk and Hyungwon to see.

Beside him stood a rather short boy, probably in the end of his teenage years, looking down at the floor. His hair was lightbrown and the bangs were splitted on the left side, exposing a part of his forehead and over his shoulder hanged a big, sport trunk.

"Hi, I'm Daniel." The boy said shortly without looking up at all, it was obvious that this was not what he anticipited the highest on a friday afternoon.

Hyungwon showed them into the kitchen without laying an eye on the horrible corp, he had always been sensitive to blood and even worse if it was coming from a dead, upcutten human that was his father.

The investigator bent down on his knees and looked at the corp from its head to its toes, mumbling to himself.
The apprentice stood a bit away, observing the scene without saying a word.

Hyungwon was amazed by how the young boy did not even react to this bloody and inhuman scene, he just stood there with a straight face, crossing his arms. It did look arrogant.

"Daniel, will you hand me the camera, will you?" The investigator asked.
The young man, daniel pulled out a big, black digital camera out of his bag and handed it to the investigator, Jooheon without saying a word.

Jooheon took photos of everything around the crime scene, the blood, splatter on the floor, hands of the corp, face and back.

It was important to catch every possible detail.
The investigator rose up from his knees and observed both Hyungwon and Minhyuk with a suspicious look.

"Say...where were you two when the murder occurred?"

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