Chapter 25

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"Clever, a very good idea, Daniel."
Jooheon stood in the middle of the quiet kitchen that now missed all its funitures, leaving it empty and cold. His apprentice quietly observed his surroundings like he always did before speaking.

"I just thought that since the funeral started at just this hour, no one would find it suspicious nor be able to hide evidence as most people will attend and not be home at this rate while we search through the place of the crime." The younger boy instantly answered, choosing his words carefully but quickly.

It was impressive. Both of the two immediatly grabbed their equipment which consisted, with others of a magnifier, plastic globes and plastic bags with tiny tweezers for both of them.

They started to observe every detail in the kitchen, the place where the horrible crime had been commited that had once belonged to the family Chae but was now for sale as it didn't had any real owner anymore after

Hyungwon had decided to move into Minhyuk's place at the moment. The minutes passed and eventually turnt into 15, 30 minutes and then a whole hour without any result of the careful work.

Controlling every inch of every space but still not finding anything at all. No blood to detect, fingerprints were nowhere to be found and footprints had not been left anywhere which indicated that the killer was very smart and maybe experienced in this kind of stuff.

The two investigator's faith and patience had been tested for almost two hours to the point that their heads ached when suddenly, Jooheon let out a shout of happiness.

"Finally! Finally, Daniel can you believe it?!" He jumped up and down like a manchild as he pulled Daniel's sleeve to gain his attention. "Check this out...THIS could be our breakthrough...This could be the key to the answer." In his hand, Jooheon held a thin strand of black hair with dried blood on it.

"This belongs to the killer, my dear Daniel. I found it in the sink so it is definietly not Mr.Chae's."

Daniel stared at the strand of hair before snatching it and putting it in one of his tiny plastic bags before Jooheon could protestate. He observed it for a long time before putting it in his bag.

"We'll send this to the lab for further investigation to scan and determinate who it belongs to. Sounds good?"

Jooheon just nodded and suddenly it looked like he was the apprentice not Daniel as he looked like a proud child who catched a butterfly, making his way out of the house and closing the door with Daniel behind him who showed no expressions or emotions as usual.

The investigator felt very accomplished about his successful contribution, laying his arm around Daniel's shoulder that would come to be the beginning of a very great friendship as he did a thumb up at his apprentice. Daniel looked up at his mentor who looked back with a proud, bright face and finally, something that hadn't been seen for a very long time showed on the young apprentice's surprisingly beautiful face as the corners of his mouth moved up slowly. A smile.

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