Chapter 20

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"But this isn't the local bar." Hyungwon looked around, noticing how they were outside of the café nearby. Chloe nodded as if she was fully aware of the "mistake."

"I know, I thought this place was more peaceful, don't you think?" She said while brushing off a strand of hair off her shoulder. "Let's go in, shall we?"

The two of them awkwardly took a seat by a small, round table placed next to one of the big windows.
This was truly different from the dark bar without windows that Hyungwon regulary visited.

In every window, a vase with flowers was placed. The windows were dressed in thin, elegant curtains of white laces. From the reception, low music could be heard and Hyungwon could hear how it was one of his favourite songs playing, "Young and Beautiful" by one of his favourite mucisians, Lana Del Rey who came from a place not too far from where the isolated village was located.

"My dad runs this café!" Chloe said, interrupting Hyungwon's thoughts. She smiled so that her descreet braces became visible that she had been trying to hide until now.
Her face was quite round and it was no secret that she was slightly chubby. Hyungwon nodded as he took off his blue raincoat and hanged it on his chair. "...You don't talk a lot, do you?"

"I'm sorry. I guess it's just that we met only an half hour ago."

The blonde girl nodded quickly, fitting into the energic personality she had showed off ever since they left the other group of girls.
It was clear that this was how she really was instead of cool and generally a fit-in kid.

Despite the girl's outgoing personality, Hyungwon just sat there, quiet, observing and questioning while Chloe ordered two slices of cakes.

Why was he here anyways? What was she trying to do?
It was just uncomfortable to him.

"Thank you." He mumbled as Chloe gave him a plate with a slice of chocolate cake which she held in her slightly chubby hand.

"You're welcome!" She smiled.
Picking up one of the teaspoons placed on the table, she started eating the cake, bite by bite but Hyungwon did not touch his slice. After a couple of minutes, Chloe looked at him with her brown eyes as she asked. "What's wrong?"

"Why did you invite me over here? I don't know you." Hyungwon blunted out as the straight forward person he could be when it was necessary.

"I wanted to get to know you...You catched my eye." Chloe answered but before she knew it, Hyungwon flew up from his chair, grabbing his raincoat.

"Of course! I knew it! People don't see me as else that good-looking! I thought this would be different but it was not." He suddenly started rambling with a loud voice, making other costumers to look their way.

"No! That wasn't what I meant...seriously!"

"Then what did you mean?!" Hyungwon yelled, overexaggarating as usual. The tone of his voice must've scared Chloe as she looked so in chock after suddenly being yelled at.

"Because I believe in love at first sight!"

Both of them got deadquiet as if their lips got sealed. People around them didn't dare to speak or move at all. Hyungwon sat down, staring at Chloe.

He pulled back his black bangs with a sigh, realizing that this was a problem that would always follow him.

"Listen...I'm sorry but there is a problem, Chloe." He sighed once again, having the blonde girl observing every of his actions. "I already have someone."

Chloe just sighed and smiled slightly. "It's okay...She's lucky for sure."

Hyungwon rose from his chair and put on his raincoat despite the quite sunny weather.
As he moved closer to the door, he cracked a smile at Chloe before opening the door and walk away.
"It's a he."

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