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after posting on instagram about the truth, jungkook had rushed packing a few of his clothes and chargers laptops etc into a duffle bag. he had already called a taxi, which was know waiting outside for him.

getting his shoes and coat on, carrying his bag as he walked to the front door of the dorm and walking out and getting into the taxi. luckily all the members had been out, he didnt look back. it wasnt that he was regretting throwing away his job as an idol that he loved, it was leaving the other members without saying goodbye that he was upset about, afterall they were all like his older brothers, they all took care of him from the moment he had been put in bts.

he quickly texted hoseok to tell him he'd be there soon and then he turned his phone off knowing it wouldnt belong till the members rushed back to the dorm to find that he had gone and his phone woud be blowing up with texts and calls off them.

jungkook got out the taxi after paying and walked up to hoseok's flat, knocking on the front door which instantly opened, hoseok pulled jungkook into a hug and kissed the top of his head "kookie, ive missed you so much" hoseok then pulled jungkook through to the living room, jungkook having dropped his bag by the front door along with his coat and shoes.

hoseok pulled the younger down onto his lap and cuddled him, he younger resting his head on his chest " you didn't have to tell people the truth you know" jungkook looked up at hoseok and shook his head "i did hyung, i hate not being able to be by you all the time... i just wanted it to be like it used to be" he sighed before speeking again " and if that means leaving bts, not being an idol anymore so i can be with you then this is what im doing, hoseok i love you so much... like you dont understand"

hoseok pecked jungkooks lips and smiled. he brought him closer to him, kissing the top of his head and sighing "do they know you've left the dorm?" jungkook instantly knew who hoseok was talking about " no... ive turned my phone off" it was hoseok turn to sigh as he pulled his phone out " i'll quickly text jin to tell him youre with me and not to come over till tomorrow, okay?" jungkook nodded in reply and hoseok quickly text seokjin, knowing all the member would be worried if they didnt know where he was or didn't answer the phone.

they ordered takeout, watched movies while cuddling, ate snacks and cuddled some more, until it was time for them to rest, hoseok guessing that tomoorrow was going to be along day for the both of them. so with that they went through their night routine, luckily hoseok had a spare tooth brush because jungkook had left his seeing as he was in a rush to get out the dorm. they both got under the covers of the bed and cuddled, hoseok smiled as he looked at the younger finding him akready asleep in his arms, he pressed a gentle kiss to jungkooks head and whispered "i love you so much kookie" and with that hoseok got comfy and fell asleep with his boy in his arms again and he had to admit it was the best feeling after spending so many nights alone in his cold bed.

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