Rules, Requirements and Registration Page

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1: If you are apart of another bookclub, please inform me over PM. This just makes monitoring a lot easier for me. (Revised 31st March 2017)
2: You must complete your assignments by the set deadline, as failure to do so will result in a strike. Unless you inform me otherwise on why you are unable to complete your assignments on time that week BEFOREHAND, I will not accept and make any exceptions on the day. I'm not a complete a monster and do understand that events happen outsides our lives on the Internet, but please try not to neglect the responsibilities that you, yourself, obliged yourself into.
3: If you are planning to go hiatus from the book club, please inform me beforehand, so I can take you off my registration list when I go through everyone's assignments for the week, as well as how long you plan on going on hiatus for.
4: There must absolutely be no bitterness amongst authors and readers that would lead to quarrels and fights.
5: You can only have 1 book reviewed by the book club at a time. Please be considerate and respect this rule. If you wish to have another book reviewed from the one you've originally chosen, please PM and I'll arrange for that book to be reviewed instead of the one you've originally picked. Readers are not obliged to this rule.
6: There is no rule from stopping you from further reading into a member's story, if you enjoy it.

1: You must save this book onto your library so that you are notified of every update that goes on in the book club.
2: You must follow me so that you are notified of every message I send out to the book club members. Don't worry, I'll follow you back so I can keep up to date with your reviews.
3: Your must be regularly active on Wattpad.
4: The story you want to promote in the book club should have more than 2 parts.
OPTIONAL: Feel free to add besides your book on which book club you belong to. This makes navigating easier for the other members. I will also be making a book club logo for anyone who wishes to make the book club a part of their title and cover.

And finally...

Registration format
Please comment or PM me using the following format, if you wish to join the book club.

Name (excluding your username):
Title of your book (if you are a reader, please leave this section as "N/A"):
Your preferred genre:
Type of criticism you would offer for the members of the book club (Is it brief and short, or constructive and in-depth?):
Type of criticism you are looking for (If you are a reader, please leave this section as "N/A"):
Your reason for wanting to join:

I will review your application as soon as I can.

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